OpenStack Conference / Design Summit High Level Agenda

The OpenStack Conference/Design Summit planning is well underway with the Program Committee and I wanted to share our latest high level agenda with the community for feedback. The plan is to update this proposal over the next two weeks before starting a call for topics and speakers. Please send your comments directly to me so I can pass them along to the Program Committee.

Also, the number of sessions and times are subject to change; however, it is easier to view the agenda with sample sessions and times.

Here is the current proposal:

OpenStack Conference Agenda (April 26 – 27, 2011)



9 – 9:30                               Welcome & OpenStack Vision
9:30 – 10:00                        OpenStack – where we are
10:00 – 10:45                       Keynote #1
10:45 – 11:00                       BREAK
11:00 – 11:45                       Keynote #2

11:45 – 1:00              LUNCH


This track allows the community to focus on critical issues related to development processes and plans, management and oversight as well as business planning. All community members are welcome to participate as the community moves from its infancy to a young and substantial open source project.

1:00 – 1:45
1:45 – 2:30
2:30 – 3:00                BREAK
3:00 – 3:45
3:45 – 4:30


This track focuses on various technology issues related to OpenStack and cloud computing in general.  These sessions are not meant to focus on upcoming features for the projects; we have blueprint sessions for that.

1:00 – 1:45
1:45 – 2:30
2:30 – 3:00                BREAK
3:00 – 3:45
3:45 – 4:30
6:00 – 9:00                Evening Reception



This track provides OpenStack users the opportunity to learn first hand how OpenStack meets their business needs and delivers the open standard cloud computing solution for the marketplace.

9:00 – 9:45
9:45 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 1:00              Lunch


This track lays out the foundation for the OpenStack partner ecosystem providing partners an exclusive roadmap for future development activities and revenue opportunities.  Existing partners providing information on their ecosystem development offers business development managers a chance to learn and improve their own OpenStack ecosystem engagement.

1:00 – 1:45                OpenStack Ecosystem Overview
1:45 – 2:30
2:30 – 3:00                BREAK
3:00 – 3:45
3:45 – 4:30
5:00 – 6:00                Guest Speaker

7:30 – LATE               Unofficial Pub Crawl in Palo Alto

OpenStack Design Summit Agenda (April 27 – 29, 2011)

Day 1

9:00 – 9:30                Welcome and Overview


9:30 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00              Lunch


1:00 – 4:50

5:00 – 6:00                Guest Speaker

7:30 – LATE               Unofficial Pub Crawl in Palo Alto

Day 2


9:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00              Lunch


1:00 – 6:00

7:00 – 10:00              Developer Party – TBD

Day 3


9:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00              Lunch


1:00 – 4:30

Lighting Talks

4:30  – 6:00               Open


OpenStack at Six Months

I am a relatively new father to an almost 2-year-old boy.  I am very familiar with the unexpectedly fast pace of growth for a baby.  How the milestones fly by.  How I like to think about where he will be in 3, 5, and 80 years.  It’s ironic that OpenStack and my son aren’t far apart.  They both seem hellbent on world domination.  And man it’s fun to be involved!

I have been involved with OpenStack since it was a twinkle in Rackspace’s eye.  We often joke about how hard it was to convince our management and board to give away the core set of assets in which we invested so much.  In truth, it wasn’t that hard.  We have always known our core asset was really Fanatical Support, the service we provide on top of the best technology offerings in the market.  There was no need for us to own the technology.  We just needed access to the best.  It needed to be an industry standard.  And it needed to meet the requirements of our customers.  The problem was that did not exist in the cloud software space.  So it made clear sense to for us to take the lead.

The real question was whether or not the world saw the problem we did.  Would they care?  More importantly, would they join?

The answer:  It’s too early to say yes, but this baby does seem to be headed toward the gifted and talented program.  Here are some facts:

  • We now have approximately 130 registered developers on the project,  about 25 from Rackspace, and well over 150 developers consistently in our IRC channel.
  • Over 1,000 individuals are actively participating in the project in some way.
  • In just the last month, 78 different people submitted code, and we’ve had nearly 1,500 commits.
  • We had our first commercial deployment outside of Rackspace and NASA…and more are coming.
  • Over 40 companies have joined the project and are hiring, contribution, promoting and using OpenStack.
  • Black Duck named OpenStack the #2 open source project launched last year

And we are achieving our roadmap goals very quickly.   Object Storage (Swift) is ready for prime time and is being adopted quickly.  The Austin release of Compute (Nova) brought us a preview, Bexar will be enterprise-ready and Cactus launches service provider scale.  We are getting many great ideas for the community on how to move even faster.  It’s clear the world wants an open alternative to the likes of Amazon and VMware.  And they are pushing this baby to grow up fast.

We have a long way to go, and undoubtedly there will be rough spots as there are with any growing baby.  But it’s amazing to see how many people want to parent OpenStack into adulthood.  We are very appreciative of your commitment to the cause, and humbled to be a part of it.

Just imagine what this baby could be doing in 10 years.

Jim Curry


OpenStack Developer Activity Review

Many people have asked for more insight into the developer activities for OpenStack as the large number of code changes and proposals make it difficult to monitor everything happening. In hopes of exposing more of the developer activities, I plan to post a weekly or biweekly blog post on the latest development activities. If you have any ideas for this blog post, please email me at [email protected]. I am always ready to listen to the community for new ideas.


Developer Mailing List (archive:

  • Feature Freeze Branches Needing Review – Thierry presented a list of branches needing review in priority order by project at  Nova had 14 branches for review; Glance had 1 branch; Swift had 1 branch. A discussion about the process to review branches by developers across projects is planned to find a better way to reduce the high number of un-reviewed branches in Nova for future releases.
  • Lazy Import of Modules – Ewan Mellor opened an issue about creating a standard methodology for loading modules on demand to eliminate unnecessary dependencies for un-needed modules. Responses from Jay Pipes, Vishvananda Ishaya, Devin Carlen, and Andy Smith discussed several solutions but it appears that the idea from Andy Smith will move forward at this time (see
  • Nova Translators – Jay Pipes announced that Monty Taylor and himself have completed the support for i18n in Nova and language translation has begun for NOVA into Austrian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Ukranian. If you are interested in assisting with another language please go to
    • Other Languages underway include Brazilian Portuguese


For the latest on development activities on OpenStack please check these sites for more details:


OpenStack Weekly Newsletter (January 7 – 14)

OpenStack Community Newsletter – January 14, 2011

This weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please email [email protected].






  • Data Tracking Graphs –
  • OpenStack Compute (NOVA) Data
    • 10 Active Reviews
    • 101 Active Branches – owned by  32 people &  6 teams
    • 1,118 commits by 60 people in last month
  • OpenStack Object Storage (SWIFT) Data
    • 2 Active Reviews
    • 36 Active Branches – owned by  19 people & 2 teams
    • 181 commits by  12 people in last month
  • Twitter Stats for Week:  #openstack 77 tweets; 48 re-tweets; all OpenStack total tweets 542
  • Bugs Stats for Week:  225 Tracked Bugs; 50 New Bugs; 15 In-process Bugs; 7 Critical Bugs; 27 High Importance Bugs; 85 Bugs (Fix Committed)
  • Blueprints Stats for Week: 125 Blueprints; 1 Essential, 6 High, 14 Medium, 13 Low, 91 Undefined
  • OpenStack Website Stats for Week:  11,076 Visits, 24,838 Pageviews, 70.31% New Visits
    • Top 5 Pages: Home 43.27%; /projects 12.02%; /projects/compute 18.29%; /projects/storage 12.71; /Community 5,40%



OpenStack Conference/Design Summit Program Committee

I am pleased to announce the formation of the OpenStack Conference/Design Summit Program Committee who will work as a group to create the event agenda as well as overall conference theme. The following community members have volunteered their time:

  • Glen Campbell, Rackspace
  • Ram Durairaj, Cisco
  • David Holland
  • Jaesuk Ahn, Korea Telecom
  • Andrew Shafer, CloudScaling
  • Thierry Carrez, OpenStack Release Manager
  • Stephen Spector, OpenStack Community Manager

As the event is for the entire community, all community members are encouraged to participate with this group of volunteers in providing feedback and ideas for the agenda and theme. To monitor all event planning please watch this Wiki page ( as well as the following three EtherPads:

I am also announcing that we have signed the contract with the Hyatt Santa Clara hotel for the event from April 26-29, 2011 and have obtained a discounted room rate for attendees with a room block. Please plan on staying at the hotel during the event as we will have a 24 hour lounge available for attendees to meet and work together as well as plenty of time for community members to hang out. If you are budget minded, we can also setup a room sharing program to ensure attendees can take part in this 24/7 event.


OpenStack Developer Activity Weekly Review

Many people have asked for more insight into the developer activities for OpenStack as the large number of code changes and proposals make it difficult to monitor everything happening. In hopes of exposing more of the developer activities, I plan to post a weekly or biweekly blog post on the latest development activities. If you have any ideas for this blog post, please email me at [email protected]. I am always ready to listen to the community for new ideas.


  • Branch Merge Proposal Freeze (January 6, 2011) – Only impacts branches introducing new features or changes in expected behavior; not branches fixing bugs. To submit a new feature you must follow the exception process found at
  • Feature Freeze for Bexar scheduled for January 13th

Developer Mailing List (archive:

  • BZR Plugin – Josh Kearney has created a plugin ( to ensure that PEP8 and unit tests are run automatically when submitting code
  • OpenStack Programming Model Framework – John Purrier has proposed (  a model where developers will  interact with the OpenStack services will not interact directly with the service API’s, but rather will have a set of published language bindings that define the programming model. This does not preclude direct service calls, but this will be discouraged in favor of using the bindings. The bindings will be considered the “Nova API” for all intents and purposes. Further discussion on this issue led to the community not being in favor of the idea of only using language bindings for developers as there is no guarantee that a specific language binding would be available for a specific release.
  • OpenStack API Discussion – John Purrier has posted ( some comments on the OpenStack API discussing availability for Bexar and/0r Cactus release which also prompted the community focus on what the internal APIs are for OpenStack developers and what the external APIs are for  ecosystem developers to leverage. The current naming is devAPI for internal OpenStack development and OpenStack API for people creating solutions around OpenStack. Please note, naming of the internal devAPI is subject to change. Further details on OpenStack API for Bexar can be found at

For the latest on development activities on OpenStack please check these sites for more details:


OpenStack Weekly Newsletter (January 1 – 7)

OpenStack Community Newsletter – January 7, 2011

This weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please email [email protected].

Join OpenStack at New York City Meetup Next Week (image






  • Data Tracking Graphs –
  • OpenStack Compute (NOVA) Data
    • 20 Active Reviews
    • 108 Active Branches – owned by 36 people & 8 teams
    • 909 commits by 51 people in last month
  • OpenStack Object Storage (SWIFT) Data
    • 8 Active Reviews
    • 46 Active Branches – owned by 21 people & 2 teams
    • 119 commits by 12 people in last month
  • Twitter Stats for Week:  #openstack 42 tweets; 67 re-tweets; all OpenStack total tweets 516
  • Bugs Stats for Week:  180 Tracked Bugs; 43 New Bugs; 11 In-process Bugs; 4 Critical Bugs; 21 High Importance Bugs; 76 Bugs (Fix Committed)
  • Blueprints Stats for Week:  141 Blueprints; 1 Essential, 12 High, 18 Medium, 16 Low, 94 Undefined
  • OpenStack Website Stats for Week:  6,630 Visits, 21,693 Pageviews, 61.18% New Visits
    • Top 5 Pages: Home 29.05%; /projects 6.67%; /projects/compute 11.99%; /projects/storage 6.51%; /Community 3.72%



Q4 2010 OpenStack Community Snapshot

As the OpenStack community moves into 2011, I feel it is important to take a snapshot of the community at this moment in time to better help us gauge our growth and success in 2011. Listed below are some important values that I track regularly for future comparison.

End of Q4 Data

Number of registered developers 95
Number of entities in a formal relationship 42
Number of technology releases 1 (Austin)
Number of attendees at Design Summit 250 (San Antonio, TX)
Number of members Facebook OpenStack group 195
Number of members LinkedIn OpenStack group 213
Number of members Ohloh Swift group 22
Number of members Ohloh Nova group 47
Number of members announce mailing list 1052

Q4 Totals Data

Number of visitors to website 97,260
Number of pageviews to website 279,750
Number of #openstack tweets 1,439
Number of #openstack re-tweets 1,245

I am also tracking several data points (bugs, blueprints, etc) that I publish in the OpenStack Wiki at  If you are interested in having me track additional data, please contact me directly and I will add that item to my weekly tracking.


OpenStack Meetup in New York City Next Week

The first OpenStack Meetup event in New York City is coming up next Wednesday; sponsored by AppFirst. It will be held on January 12th, 2011 @Dogpatch Lab (36 East 12th Street). Our guest speaker will be George Vanecek, PhD, he is a principal architect at Huawei’s US Innovation Center R&D where his team is currently designing a carrier-grade eBento Cloud Platform including VoIP extensions and supporting capabilities for M2M and SMB SaaS solutions.

Huawei is a leader in the telecom market, innovating to provide robust, scalable IaaS and PaaS services to their customers. When looking around the market Dr. Vanecek and his team considered building everything from scratch and adopting commercial technologies. Their decision ended up being to adopt OpenStack.

In this open discussion Dr. Vanecek will share what led him and his team to decide on OpenStack and some of the technical concerns he wrestled with. Dr. Vanecek has extensive experience in designing and building software systems, applications, and service platforms working as a solutions architect at Cordys, a chief scientist at AT&T Internet Platforms Organization, founder and lead developer at several software startups, and an assistant professor at the computer science department at Purdue University.

To RSVP, please go to: And don’t forget to forward this event to anyone who might be interested.


OpenStack Weekly Newsletter (December 24 – 31)

OpenStack Community Newsletter – December 31, 2010

This weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please email [email protected].






  • Data Tracking Graphs –
  • OpenStack Compute (NOVA) Data
    • 21 Active Reviews
    • 106 Active Branches – owned by 37 people & 8 teams
    • 805 commits by 47 people in last month
  • OpenStack Object Storage (SWIFT) Data
    • 5 Active Reviews
    • 41 Active Branches – owned by 21 people & 2 teams
    • 127 commits by 12 people in last month
  • Twitter Stats for Week:  #openstack 17 tweets; 33 re-tweets; all OpenStack total tweets 106
  • Bugs Stats for Week:  168 Tracked Bugs; 41 New Bugs; 8 In-process Bugs; 3 Critical Bugs; 20 High Importance Bugs; 74 Bugs (Fix Committed)
  • Blueprints Stats for Week:  142 Blueprints; 1 Essential, 12 High, 20 Medium, 14 Low, 95 Undefined
  • OpenStack Website Stats for Week:  4,708 Visits, 14,802 Pageviews, 56.22% New Visits
    • Top 5 Pages: Home 29.79%; /projects 6.43%; /projects/compute 9.31%; /projects/storage 7.31%; /NovaInstall 4.08%

