Technical Committee Highlights May 29, 2015

Welcome back from the summit. A huge part of OpenStack’s community gathered together in Vancouver for a week full of brainstorms, problem solving and planning for the next 6 months. So did the Technical Committee and here are the highlights of last week and this week’s meeting.

Design Summit


Joint Board and TC meeting

We held a joint Board and TC meeting Sunday afternoon. The DefCore definition has been updated and it now includes the Kilo release, YAY! With the changes, interoperability testing includes:

  • Auth operations within the Identity API; however identity management operations will not be considered designated sections because they are controlled by policies.
  • Management operations for floating IPs through the Compute API.

The testing means that we have concrete evidence of interoperability for OpenStack clouds.

As a community, we have to make a decision about nova-network or neutron API calls and compatibility for interop in the coming six months. Lots of great discussion happened at the Summit, and one way forward is through documenting how to keep floating IP call compatibility by showing how to use ports in the Neutron API to be equivalent to elastic floating IP lists. Stay tuned as we write up more details in a doc near you.

Diversity working group approved to go and set up a mission. This is uncharted territory but we want to chart it as other cloud organizations and open source groups look to us to pave the way.

Tags, tagging, tagification

As part of completing the list of base tags for OpenStack, the TC often has to discuss whether some of them make sense or not. The tags currently under discussion are: tc-approved release and kernel:compute.

Tag (rather confusingly) named tc-approved-release
This tag mostly exists to suffice one of the requirements imposed by the Foundation bylaws. It serves to indicate that the Technical Committee has included a project in the “OpenStack TC Approved Release”, which indicates projects that are suitable to be included in the “Trademark Designated OpenStack Software”. Although the name might be confusing and not sexy, it serves the sole purpose of sufficing the bylaws requirements.Check the proposed change for more info.
Tags named kernel:compute (exciting?) or use-case:basic-compute (boring?)
This tag is meant to indicate the set of services that are required to have a minimum compute deployment. We’re having long discussions around this tag with community members and each other on the TC. The discussions go from whether it is useful at all, what the scopes and limits of this tag are and whether it sends the right message or not. You can follow some of these discussions on the review itself.

Cross-project sessions

The Technical Committee whittled down the list of proposed cross-project sessions to 14 sessions, and we want to report back on these sessions.

The single network stack session has a part two as well, where the discussion came up with the priority to test Linux Bridge on DevStack as well as document the port reuse example that gives more compatible floating IP features. Floating IP quotas will not apply to this situation so people will be able to burn as many public IPs as their port quota allows, but it seems like this documentation is sorely missed right now.

Stable releases have been available with a tag, such as 2015.1, since the project’s inception. But at a cross project session we decided that the current tagged releases are not more stable or tested than any other, and the stable branches are actually the ones we would like deployers to use as reference. We are dedicated to stability and trust of those branches. Please read more and reply on with any questions.

We had good forward progress on the service catalog and CORS support in OpenStack. The wiki page has all the Etherpads from sessions if you want to deep dive on those sessions.

Latest news from last TC meeting

We voted to give Scott Moser, maintainer of Cirros, Active Technical Contributor (ATC) status for his work on the lightweight image and operating system we use consistently for launching and testing VMs.

The chef project was proposed as an OpenStack project and the TC voted it in. We still want to see evidence of being an OpenStack project, but moving their open design discussions to the OpenStack-dev mailing list is the right step.

We also passed a resolution to use UTC always. Now, some of us felt this was heavy-handed, but once we learned of the risk of having to restart an election (or a candidate missing a deadline due to confusion on the time or date of election deadlines), we agreed to pass it as a resolution.

Also we have a process for gathering potential release names that start with M and are near the summit location. Monty Taylor is the name coordinator, so look for the list of potential names on Monday, June 1. The next release is less than five months away, October 15, 2015.

A subteam from the TC is working on the OpenStack Project Team Guide June 18-19 in a remote work session and all are welcome to help.

The TC is also looking to provide deep-dive into troublesome issues with teams and help with resolutions. We’re also looking into starting a basic design tenants team as well as cross-project team to improve activity around cross-project specs and the cross-project meeting.


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