This week, the Technical Committee will not hold the regular Tuesday meeting. Here’s a round up of the discussions and decisions from the last week or so. Let us know how these posts are working for you by emailing, tweeting, commenting, or finding us on IRC.
Midway focus points for the TC
“Technical discussions are like lasagna. You need to layer ML threads and IRC discussions to reach consensus.” – Thierry Carrez
Thierry challenged us to think about the “hard problems” we mean to solve this release as a technical community leadership body, so we discussed for a half hour this past week. The service catalog specifically came up and we also talked about cross-project specifications generally. It’s difficult to get exact assignees for cross-project specs, and we also discussed the communication channels we have for cross-project work. Currently it’s the mailing list, IRC, and the weekly cross-project meeting along with a special summit track just for cross-project work.
Should we, could we move the day/time of the cross-project meeting for better communications? Originally it was set up after the TC meeting as a convenience for chairs and attendees alike, but it seems like we could get a wider attendance rate by moving it earlier in the day. I know that moving to earlier does not help our New Zealand or Australian members, but comments from both the East coast US and Europe mention they currently find it tough to attend regularly.
Current tags under discussion
In the big tent, projects may be at a different pace of development. As a result, projects have different priorities that cause tradeoffs in speed or innovation. The pace and priorities can cause deprecation of a configuration option or API feature or other capability within a project.
Deprecation policy tags under review intend to communicate assertions that projects commit to whether they would purposely deprecate user-visible features and APIs and if they would deprecate, under which predictable conditions. Providing this tag should help determine how to mitigate any risk factors for adoption as it provides a key factor in assessing a given project maturity.
Different teams are trying out different approaches to the release process, and these also are tags under review for release tagging, and size of the team indicators.
All these tags intend to provide essential bits of information to give users and deployers evaluation criteria while also giving projects an idea of what measures are applied to their work.
Stackforge and renames of overarching organization
The passing of the Stackforge namespace retirement means no projects will be added to the stackforge namespace. Look for more specific communications and how-tos from the Infrastructure team about what this means for current projects in the stackforge namespace. They are working hard to ensure transition plans are in place.
Debian packaging team
The Debian packaging team led by Thomas Goirand continues to focus its mission to have the packaging Git repositories for Debian hosted in the /openstack git namespace.
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