Recap: OpenStack Atlanta Meetup Mar 01

Armed to the teeth with coffee, Danishes and laptops, a band of merry men, led by Sir Duncan McGreggor*, set out yesterday morning to rob the royal Essex release of any and all bugs.  The gathering of this crack dev team marked the inaugural Meetup of OpenStack Atlanta, a new local chapter in the rapidly growing community.

DreamHost OpenStack Atlanta Meetup

DreamHost’s team in Atlanta facilitated the Hack-In event and hosted it in a cozy cottage.  Rakish beards aside, these happy hackers made great strides in testing Essex.  In order to maximize their impact, the Atlanta-based group reached across the country and coordinated their efforts with fellow coders at Canonical in Colorado and DreamHost in San Francisco.


Tech highlights include:

  • Testing out development deployments of OpenStack using Vagrant (some successes, some blockers)
  • Testing out dev deployments of OpenStack using VirtualBox directly
  • Filed some bugs for issues in Horizon regarding error feedback to users and how the documentation is generated
  • Dug into issues with logging and inconsistencies in datestamps
  • Uncovered some weirdness with the usage of gnu screen and hanging services/partial DevStack installs due to sudo assumptions (DevStack assumes a passwordless sudo, and will label an install as failed if it gets hung up on the apache log tail, waiting for a password, even if the install was successful and all the services started correctly)
  • Doug Hellmann made his first commit upstream to OpenStack

Bug banishment:  A bug in Horizon was uncovered and was confirmed later that day.  It’s currently marked as high priority and is slated to be fixed in the first Essex release candidate.

Special thanks to Lloyd Dewolf and Tristan Goode for facilitating the Essex OpenStack Global Hack-In.

*Knighthood could not be confirmed at the time of this posting.


Written by: Brent Scotten

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