As I stated in my earlier OpenStack Governance post, I am following up with the details for the election process. Please send me any thoughts you have on this process so I can ensure that everyone in the community is aware of the process and tools being used. I am presenting details on the four separate elections being run as each election has different requirements based on the OpenStack governance policy .
The elections will run from March 21, 2011 thru April 1, 2011 at Midnight CST. Final results will be posted first thing in the morning on April 4, 2011 when I get into the office on the OpenStack blog (, within the CIVS (see below) election system tool, and via an email to the OpenStack developer mailing list.
NOVA Project Team Lead (1 Position)
Voter Eligibility – Only OpenStack community members who have successfully submitted code to the NOVA project are eligible to be nominated or vote. I am using the list of email addresses found at for eligible electors and nominees. Each member of this list will receive an email with a direct link to the NOVA PTL team lead election site where they can vote for the member of their choice. Each member can only vote once in this election.
SWIFT Project Team Lead (1 Position)
Voter Eligibility – Only OpenStack community members who have successfully submitted code to the SWIFT project are eligible to be nominated or vote. I am using the list of email addresses found at for eligible electors and nominees. Each member of this list will receive an email with a direct link to the NOVA PTL team lead election where they can vote for the member of their choice. As this list only has author names, I will be reaching out to several members whose email I do not have; of course, if you are on the list you can simply send me your email address to save me time in searching out your contact information. Each member of this list will receive an email with a direct link to the SWIFT PTL team lead election site where they can vote for the member of their choice. Each member can only vote once in this election.
GLANCE Project Team Lead (1 Position)
Voter Eligibility – Only OpenStack community members who have successfully submitted code to the GLANCE project are eligible to be nominated or vote. At this time, the following developers are authorized to vote or be nominated for this position:
Rick Harris – Cory Wright – Chris MacGown – Vishvananda Ishaya – Monty Taylor – Jay Pipes
If you believe that you should be on the GLANCE list, please email before March 19th as I will be sending out election links on March 21st.
Each member of this list will receive an email with a direct link to the GLANCE PTL team lead election site where they can vote for the member of their choice. Each member can only vote once in this election.
Project Policy Board (2 Open Positions)
Voter Eligibility – Any registered member of the OpenStack Launchpad is eligible to run or be nominated for one of the two positions. I am getting this list of authorized voters and nominees from the Launchpad system at Based on current numbers, there are 632 people eligible to vote or be nominated.
PTL Member Wins 1 of 2 Slots – Based on the governance policy, if either of the two top vote getters are also winners in the PTL election, then the next highest person on the election results will be declared the winner. From the governance policy:
If an individual should happen to be elected as both a PTL and General Member of the PPB, then they will take their PTL seat only and the elected General Member seat will go to the next highest vote getter
The Condorcet Internet Voting System (see below) leverages ranked choices thereby making the possibility of a tie extremely unlikely. If a tie does occur, a runoff between the two candidates who tied will be held.
For all four of the elections, we will use the Condorcet Internet Voting Service from Cornell University, see This tool uses the Condorcet method of voting which invokes ranking the nominees instead of just selecting one choice. More information on this methodology is at
All registered voters will receive an email with a unique link allowing them to privately vote.
For the Project Advisory Board election, in order to collect voters email addresses I will contact every potential voter using the “Contact this team’s members” feature at and ask them to reply directly to me using their preferred voting email address if they want to participate in the vote.
Please note that the voting system is run using private polls with restricted access to ensure voter authenticity; however all results will be made public once the election ends. The only delay in posting results will be due to me not being awake when the elections end at midnight.
I am planning to run a trial of this tool on March 17 and anyone wishing to take part in the trial can email me and I will include you in the voting trial.
As is standard, please contact me with any questions you have on the voting process, nomination process, governance policy or any other issue in the OpenStack community,