The OpenStack momentum continues to grow quickly and now is the perfect time for you to join us at the start of this open source movement in cloud computing. We are very close to a significant release in just a few weeks and are actively recruiting testers and developers to find and fix bugs as well as assist in future product features and design. Of course, there can never be enough people willing to help document the project as we are hosting a Document Sprint at Design Summit next month in an effort to accelerate developer and user documentation. Speaking of users, we are now ready for you to start trying out the products and supplying feedback and new ideas.
To help you get started and find your way in the OpenStack community I am listing some great places to start based on your needs from the project. Another place to start is the ever growing “Getting Started with OpenStack” documentation site at
- To contribute code, fill out the license agreement (individual or company)
- Sign up for a Launchpad account and install BZR to obtain a copy of the code for updating and submission
- For more details, go to and read “If you’re a developer, start here”
- Attend a weekly developer meeting in #openstack-meeting on Tuesday’s at 21:00 UTC. More info at
- Sign up for a Launchpad account and install BZR to obtain a copy of the code including unit tests. Follow the development process to add additional unit tests for general community execution and/or visit the bug tracking section of Launchpad for find or create bugs
- For more details, go to and read “If you’re a tester (and breaker), get started this way”
- OpenStack Installation Instructions at
- Sign up for a Launchpad account and install BZR to obtain a copy of the code; contributions to .rst files in /docs/source/ director
- Click EDIT on the growing number of pages in the OpenStack Wiki
- Attend 2-day Doc Sprint at Design Summit for a focused team writing session
- For more info, go to and read “If you’re into doc, we’d love to see you”
- OpenStack Installation Instructions at
We also encourage anyone interested in participating or learning about OpenStack to attend our 4 day Design Summit Nov 9 – 12 in San Antonio, TX. The first two days will have business and developer tracks with the last two days comprising an InstallFest, Doc Sprint, and Developer Coding Experience. Learn more and register at
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