The OpenStack User Committee and Foundation staff conducted a survey of OpenStack cloud operators and end users, and are sharing the results with the community this week during the OpenStack Summit Hong Kong. The goal of the survey is to give users a strong voice in the community to share their technical requirements, feedback and best practices with the developers building OpenStack, as well as other cloud operators.
The survey generated 822 responses and catalogued 387 OpenStack cloud deployments across 56 countries. A few key highlights:
- More than half of the clouds were already running Grizzly or Havana
- The top five countries with deployments were U.S., India, China, France, and Canada
- The top 3 business drivers were Cost Savings, Operational Efficiency, Open Platform
You can find more detail in the full report by the User Committee.
Martyn Crew
A couple of immediate reactions to this data:
1. 387 deployments is a disappointingly low number
2. 42% of deployments are into companies with less than 100 people. It would be interesting to see the economics behind these small deployments.
Brent Smithurst
I’d like to see “Size of deployment” as well as “Deployment type” to get a sense of how many of these are small experimentations and how many are for real production use.
Gio Bacareza
It’s interesting to see that the deployments are polar extremes of the market: 26% (1-20) and next biggest 21% (10,000+) implying that Openstack is very popular among really small and really large companies, not so popular in between. What could be the reason for that? Curious.
Matt Wood
was this survey updated during the ATL Summit? would be great to see how the community has grown!