OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest January 21-27
SuccessBot Says
- dims [1] : Nova now has a python35 based CI job in check queue running Tempest tests (everything running on py35)
- markvoelker [2]: Newly published Foundation annual report starts off with interoperability right in the chairman’s note [3]
- Tell us yours via OpenStack IRC channels with message “#success <message>”
- All: [4]
Get Active in Upstream Training
- There is a continuous effort in helping newcomers join our community by organizing upstream contribution trainings [5][6] before every summit.
- 1.5 – 2 days of hands-on steps of becoming an active OpenStack contributor.
- Like everything else, this is a community effort.
- In preparation for the Boston summit and the upcoming PTG in Atlanta, we are looking for coaches and mentors to help us make the training better.
- If you’re interested in helping contact:
- Ildiko Vancsa IRC freenode at ildikov or email [7]
- Kendall Nelson IRC freenode at diablo_rojo or email [8]
- Full thread: [9]
Project Team Gathering Coordination Tool
- No central scheduling, beyond assigned rooms to teams and days.
- Each team arranges their time in their room.
- List of etherpads [10]
- We still need centralized communication beyond each room:
- An event IRC channel: #openstack-ptg on free node IRC
- Do public service announcements
- Pings from room to room.
- An EtherCalc spreadsheet powered dynamic schedule with extra rooms available:
- One fishbowl
- A few dark rooms with projectors and screens (not all will have a/v equipment due to budget).
- Infra is working on setting up EtherCalc
- Full thread: [11]
POST /api-wg/news
- API Guidelines proposed for freeze:
- Add guidelines on usage of state vs. status [12]
- Clarify the status values in versions [13]
- Add guideline for invalid query parameters [14]
- Guidelines currently under review:
- Add guidelines for boolean names [15]
- Define pagination guidelines [16]
- Add API capabilities discovery guideline [17 ]
- Full thread: [18]
Lots of Teams Without PTL Candidates
- We are reaching close to the end of the PTL nominations (Jan 29, 2017 23:45 UTC), but have projects that are leaderless:
- Community App Catalog
- Ec2 API
- Fuel
- Karbor
- Magnum
- Monasca
- OpenStackClient
- OpenStackUX
- Packaging Prm
- Rally
- RefStack
- Requirements
- Senlin
- Stable Branch Maintenance
- Vitrage
- Zun
- Full thread [19]
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