2015 Election Results
Thank you to everyone who voted in this year’s election. We reached quorum and passed the three bylaws amendments. We also reached quorum in electing eight Individual Directors to the 2015 OpenStack Board of Directors.
And the winner is….
Individual Directors
- Tim Bell
- Russell Bryant
- Alex Freedland
- Rob Hirschfeld
- Vishvananda Ishaya
- Kavit Munshi
- Egle Sigler
- Monty Taylor
Platinum Directors
- Alan Clark
- Eileen Evans
- Toby Ford
- Van Lindberg
- Mark McLoughlin
- Todd Moore
- Imad Sousou
- John Zannos
Gold Directors
- Simon Anderson
- Robert Esker
- Tristan Goode
- Steven Hallett
- Chris Kemp
- Boris Renski
- Sean Roberts
- Lew Tucker
Kilo Nova deploy recommendations
What would a Nova developer tell a deployer to think about before their first OpenStack install? Michael Still shares his thought process to consider your options and make informed decisions.
OpenStack Ambassadors Come Together
Ambassadors to help other user groups through communicating. meeting alternating Weekly on first, third, fifth Tuesdays at 08:00 GMT and second and fourth Fridays at 18:00 GMT on the chat.freenode.net IRC channel: #openstack-meeting-alt.
Small openstack
An interesting conversation on the Operators mailing list discussing request for small installation of openstack (about 3-5 nodes). The messages started in December, continued in January and drifted to discuss distributed glance.
User self registration and management
Adrian Turjak asked on the Development mailing list if there is any interest or need for an open-source user registration and management service for people using OpenStack. There seems to be a basic need a way for users to sign up themselves, choose their own password, and request new users to be added to their project. David Chadwick pointed to a blueprint and a demo of the system for University of Kent.Enrique Garcia also expressed interest in helping out in the effort.
The Road to Vancouver
Relevant Conversations
- Requirements for future “OpenStack projects”
- The Future of OpenStack is Now, 2015
- Infrastructure Puppet module split sprint, Jan 28
- Vancouver Design Summit format changes
- Another Nova spec update
Deadlines and Development Priorities
- [Keystone] Spec proposal deadline Feb 5
- [Cinder] Cutoff deadlines for cinder drivers: volume drivers need to have a CI by end of K-3, March 19th 2015
- [nova] Kilo FeatureProposalFreeze 22nd Jan and FeatureFreeze 5th Feb
- Etherpad for the Nova midcycle meetup
- Etherpad for the Keystone midcycle meetup
- Etherpad for the Cinder midcycle meetup
- [Nova] Kilo Release Status – just passed spec freeze
- [neutron] BPs in Launchpad for Kilo-2
- [Ironic] Bay Area Midcycle
- [barbican] Kilo Mid-Cycle Sprint
Security Advisories and Notices
Tips ‘n Tricks
Upcoming Events
2015 OpenStack Foundation Events Plan and Calls for Papers Available. The 2015 events plan is now available on the Global Events Calendar wiki. The detailed spreadsheet covers industry events, Summits (dates and locations), as well as regional OpenStack Days organized by the community. If you’re interested in sponsoring or speaking at a planned OpenStack Day, please contact the contact listed in the spreadsheet.
- OpenStack Bootstrapping Hour – oslo.messaging anti-patterns – Friday Jan 16th 17:00 UTC
- Jan 19, 2015 OpenStack Meetup Nuremberg Nuremberg, Bavaria, DE
- Jan 22, 2015 OpenStack L.A. January Meetup Pasadena, CA, US
- Jan 27 – 29, 2015 Cinder Kilo Midcycle Meetup Austin, Texas, US
- Feb 02 – 03, 2015 Upstream Training in Japan Tokyo, JP
- Feb 03 – 04, 2015 OpenStack Days Tokyo 2015 Tokyo, JP
- Feb 05, 2015 OpenStack Day in Korea Seoul, Seoul, KR
- Feb 19 – 20, 2015 World Techies Forum Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN
- Mar 26, 2015 PDX OpenStack Hackathon Portland, OR, US
- Apr 13 – 14, 2015 OpenStack Live Santa Clara, CA, US
- Apr 22 – 23, 2015 China SDNNFV Conference Beijing, CN
- May 18 – 22, 2015 OpenStack Summit May 2015 Vancouver, BC
- Jun 11, 2015 OpenStack DACH Day 2015 Berlin, DE
- Sep 17, 2015 OpenStack Benelux Conference 2015 Bussum, NL
Other News
- OpenStack Product Management Kilo Midcycle Meeting
- OpenStack Crossproject Meeting: Summary and full logs.
Got Answers?
Ask OpenStack is the go-to destination for OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers:
- Heat AutoScalingGroup with different user data
- How to retrieve updated topology after an autoscaling has been done?
- How to configure OCCI API with OpenStack/DevStack?
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