Developer Mailing List Digest January 5-12th

Success Bot Says

  • e0ne on #openstack-horizon [0]: amotoki runs horizon with django 2.0
  • tristianC on #rdo [1]: is now running sf-2.7
  • mriedem on #openstack-nova [2]: nova merged alternate hosts support for server build
  • mriedem on #openstack-nova [3]: After a week of problems, finally got a volume multiattach test run to actually attach a volume to two instances without melting the world. \o/
  • Tell us yours in OpenStack IRC channels using the command “#success <comment>”

Community Goals for Rocky

So far one goal has been proposed by Kendall Nelson for migrating to Storyboard. It was agreed to postpone the goal until the S cycle, as it could take longer than six months to achieve. There is a good backlog of goals [0], just no champions. It’ll be bad for momentum if we have a cycle with no community wide goal.

PTG Post-lunch Presentations

Feedback received from past PTG session(s) was the lack of situational awareness and missed opportunity for “global” communication at the event. In Dublin we’d used the end of the lunch break to for communications that could be interesting to OpenStack upstream developers and project team members. The idea is not to find a presentation for everyday, but if we find content that is generally useful. Interesting topics include general guidance to make the most of the PTG weeks (good Monday content), development tricks, code review etiquette, new library features you should adopt, lightning talks (good Friday content). We’d like to keep the slot under 20 minutes. If you have ideas please fill out this etherpad [0] in a few weeks.

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