OpenStack Conference Spring 2012 Day 2

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And today marks the end of this full week of meetings, panels, formal and informal chats, parties, networking and lots of fun. The final count of registered people went well over 1,000! This calls for a celebration to this great community. [View the story “OpenStack Conference Spring 2012 Day 2” on Storify] Remember to publish… Read more »

Folsom Design Summit Day 3

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The Folsom Design Summit has ended. Tonight’s party marks the beginning of the OpenStack Spring 2012 Conference Highlights of the day @tcarrez: @OpenStack community maturing: last year at design summit we had “bzr vs. Git”, today we have “making configuration of OpenStack easier” Reminder- joint hackathon with core devs from @cloudfoundry and @OpenStack – 6pm… Read more »

Folsom Design Summit Day 2

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Highlights of the day: Slides PDF for @swifterdarrell Monitoring #OpenStack Swift With #StatsD talk: (pdf) slideshare version of today’s CS+SWIFT integration Openstack Quantum Security Groups Session For anyone looking for the slides the Melange Overview at the #openstack summit, you can find them on and an announcement: tomorrow’s Cloud Foundry BOSH… Read more »

Folsom Design Summit Day 1

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Over 400 participant, more than 50 sessions today (over 150 in total). Not just developers in the rooms I’ve seen lots of users  involved in the sessions, asking questions and giving suggestions. Many discussisions revolve around real life problems and provide extremely  concrete solutions. There is the feeling that the OpenStack community is maturing.

Community Weekly Review (Apr 6 – 13)

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OpenStack Community Newsletter – April 13, 2012 HIGHLIGHTS OpenStack Foundation announces its founders Wired/Cloudline: InfoWorld: Gigaom: Marketwatch (includes quotes from committed organizations): IMPORTANT LINKS FOR THE SUMMIT AND CONFERENCE OpenStack Spring 2012 Schedule for Design Summit OpenStack Spring 2012 Schedule for Conference Parties and other social events are on the official schedules… Read more »

Community Weekly Review (Mar 30 – Apr 6)

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OpenStack Community Newsletter – April 6, 2012 HIGHLIGHTS OpenStack Essex is ready Press release Release notes Essex Hall Of Fame The Secret History of OpenStack, the Free Cloud Software That’s Changing Everything OpenStack Community Pulls It Out Of The Bag Ask not what OpenStack can do for you… There… Read more »

OpenStack Essex Hall Of Fame

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Today we can celebrate a new release of OpenStack: version 2012.1 codenamed Essex is the fifth since its first announcement in July 2010. Join me to thank the over 200 people from over 50 companies that gave us a new version of OpenStack. These numbers are amazing. Just as a comparison, Linux kernel version 2.6.11… Read more »

Community Weekly Review (Mar 23-30)

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OpenStack Community Newsletter –March 30, 2012 HIGHLIGHTS Submit session proposals for OpenStack Folsom Design Summit OpenStack Spring 2012 Conference Schedule EVENTS OpenStack Spring 2012 Design Summit Apr 16 – 18 and Conference Apr 19-20 – San Francisco, California OpenStack Israel 2012 May 30, 2012 – Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel Open Cloud and… Read more »