OpenStack Events Sponsorship Webinar

I have scheduled a webinar for Thursday July 14th at 1:30 PM CST to present the OpenStack Sponsorship Packages for the October OpenStack events in Boston, MA. You can register for this webinar at A recording of this webinar will be made available shortly after the webinar is complete.

Please attend this webinar if your company or organization is interested in sponsoring the OpenStack Design Summit or OpenStack Conference in Boston, MA this October.


Have you visited the lately?

A few weeks ago we posted the results of the OpenStack Social Media survey. Thirty percent of survey  respondents indicated that they keep up on OpenStack developments and news on I thought now would be a good time to remind everyone of what a valuable addition the forum is to the OpenStack community, and it has only been up and running since May!

Currently the NOVA board is the most heavily used project board, and admin Jordan Rinke (@JordanRinke) has been especially active in answering  questions regarding installation. Stephen Spector has also been experimenting with using the Events category on the General board to help plan upcoming OpenStack Events like this October’s conference in Boston.  If you have suggestions please feel free to chime in on the forum.

There are currently 85 registered users and I encourage anyone with a question, comment, or insight to complete the easy sign up. The more members and participation the forum sees the more useful it will be!


OpenStack – The Best Sounding Cloud

For those with some time to spend on non-critical items…

At the OpenStack Project Glance webinar a few weeks back there was discussion about the music being played while everyone waited for the webinar to start. Jay Pipes graciously informed everyone that I was a composer and that the music was mine, thus everyone was really insulting me. This lead to some community members contacting me to see if I really did write the music which only enhanced Jay’s hijinks. The truth is that I can’t even hear music very well as notes all sound the same to me. The company running our webinar tool is responsible for the music and we have provided feedback from our community about their music selection.

Anyway, the emails with the community members led to the idea of creating an OpenStack theme or jingle that we could use on our website for example. If Intel, Microsoft, and other companies can leverage the power of music to associate their brand with customers why not OpenStack. One community member, Mike Mazarick has supplied the first entry for community consideration:

Sample OpenStack Jingle (6 seconds)

I encourage community members with musical talent to submit their ideas to myself for posting on the blog or in the comment section. We can then re-visit all the submissions in a few weeks and vote for the winning OpenStack jingle. Looking forward to everyone’s ideas.


Q2 2011 Community Health Statistics

Welcome to the end of Q2 2011 and the start of Q3 2011 (at least by my calendar). I like to share the quarter by quarter growth of a variety of community health-points with the broader community so everyone can see where the community is heading. If you have other ideas for metrics to monitor please contact me at [email protected].

End of Q2 2011 Data

Measurement Q1 2011 Q2 2011
Number of registered developers 165 217
# entities in a formal relationship 62 80
# technology releases 1 (Bexar) 1 (Cactus)
# attendees at Design Summit 350 (Santa Clara, CA) 350 (Santa Clara, CA)
# members Facebook OpenStack group 319 587
# members LinkedIn OpenStack group 395 908
# members Ohloh Swift group 25 26
# members Ohloh Nova group 98 122
# of members announce mailing list 1144 1338

Totals Data

Measurement Q1 2011 Q2 2011
# visitors to website 128,343 189,056
# pageviews to website 293,892 452,502
# #openstack tweets 876* 4,112

* Missing 4 weeks of data due to measuring tool issue

I am also tracking several data points (bugs, blueprints, etc) that I publish in the OpenStack Wiki at


Community Weekly Newsletter (June 24 – July 1)

OpenStack Community Newsletter – July 1, 2011

This weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please email [email protected].

Musical Entertainment at OpenStack Meetup






  • Data Tracking Graphs –
  • OpenStack Compute (NOVA) Data
    • 12 Active Reviews
    • 279 Active Branches – owned by 78 people & 15 teams
    • 1382 commits by 65 people in last month
  • OpenStack Object Storage (SWIFT) Data
    • 1 Active Reviews
    • 67 Active Branches – owned by 22 people & 6 teams
    • 101 commits by 12 people in last month
  • OpenStack Image Registry (GLANCE) Data
    • 6 Active Reviews
    • 34 Active Branches – owned by 11 people & 5 teams
    • 164 commits by 12 people in last month
  • Twitter Stats for Week:  #openstack 287total tweets; OpenStack 762 total tweets  (does not include RT)
  • Bugs Stats for Week: 500 Tracked Bugs; 76 New Bugs; 44 In-process Bugs; 6 Critical Bugs; 35 High Importance Bugs; 339 Bugs (Fix Committed)
  • Blueprints Stats for Week:  202 Blueprints; 9 Essential, 14 High, 16 Medium, 24 Low, 139 Undefined
  • OpenStack Website Stats for Week:  12,207 Visits, 30,317 Pageviews, 48.14% New Visits
    • Top 5 Pages: Home 40.51%; /projects 11.53%; /projects/compute 16.47%; /projects/storage 11.00%; /community 6.38%



High Level Nova Architecture Review – Flags and Services

Joseph Heck has written an excellent blog post on the Nova high level architecture for flags and services. Here is the intro:

I’ve been doing a lot of spelunking into the nova codebase, digging around and trying to learn some of the under pinnings. Some of these pieces were a bit confusing to me, so I’m stashing them up here for Google to find and share with others in the future.

Before I dive into the gritty details, it’s worth getting a high level overview so that some of this (hopefully) makes sense. OpenStack’s service architecture is made up of services that all talk with each other to get things done. nova-network, nova-scheduler, etc. There’s a lot of underpinning in the nova codebase to make those services relatively easy to write and work together – I was mostly curious about how they passed messages back and forth. As I dove in, the two pieces that stood out as needing to be understood first were the unified service framework in nova and configuration using flags (which it heavily depends upon).

Rest of Post


Call for Program Committee – OpenStack Conference in Boston

The planning process for the October 5-7, 2011 OpenStack Conference in Boston, MA is underway and we need volunteers for the Program Committee.

Currently the Program Committee consists of:

  • Stephen Spector, Community Manager
  • Thierry Carrez, Release Manager

Ideally we would like to have around 10 people on the Program Committee, so there is currently space for eight more volunteers. The Program Committee will be responsible for

  • Participation in the high level agenda organization
  • Participation in the creation of the event agenda
  • Speaker recruitment and assignment based on agenda
  • Event speaker introductions (if able to attend the event)

Any community members interested in being part of the Program Committee should email me ([email protected]) by Thursday, July 7th.

The Program Committee, as well as the event theme will then be announced Friday, July 8th. So, if you have suggestions for a Boston event theme you can submit them here:
As always the agenda development process for the event will be done in the open so that everyone can contribute. An Etherpad link for this process will be posted soon.

OpenStack Fall Event Theme

Planning is underway for the OpenStack Conference in Boston, MA from October 6-7 and I am looking for community feedback on event theme ideas. As with our other events, we select a theme before the event and ensure that all signage and look/feel stay within that theme. The last theme for the OpenStack Conference was state and national parks in California with the focus on the event shirt being the Bixby Canyon Bridge.

If you are interested in submitting an idea for the Boston event theme this October, please go to this Etherpad and add you idea: Themes will be accepted until July 7, 2011 at which time a selection will be made from the existing concepts. Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to submit an idea anonymously.


Developer Activity Review (June 17 – 24)

Many people have asked for more insight into the developer activities for OpenStack as the large number of code changes and proposals make it difficult to monitor everything happening. In hopes of exposing more of the developer activities, I plan to post a weekly or biweekly blog post on the latest development activities. If you have any ideas for this blog post, please email me at [email protected]. I am always ready to listen to the community for new ideas.


Developer Mailing List (archive:

This is select list of topics discussed this week in the developer mailing list and is not a complete list.  Please visit the archive to see all the topics.

  • Feedback on Portable Configuration Drive Blueprint – Thorsten von Eicken provided feedback to the Configuration Drive blueprint at  Scott Moser, Paul Voccio (blueprint author), and Vish Ishaya provided feedback and discussion
  • Swift+Keystone error – Tres Henry reported issues in trying to get a Swift+Keystone development environment setup. Jesse Andrews responded with an updated Keystone GitHub link. Todd Wiley responded with a proxy-server.conf setting to try; account_autocreate = true.  Tres responded with the error showing up even after trying this configuration file setting.


For the latest on development activities on OpenStack please check these sites for more details:


Community Weekly Newsletter (June 17 – 24)

OpenStack Community Newsletter – June 24, 2011

This weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please email [email protected].

Egpyt OpenStack Meeting






  • Data Tracking Graphs –
  • OpenStack Compute (NOVA) Data
    • 22 Active Reviews
    • 289 Active Branches – owned by 81 people & 16 teams
    • 1355 commits by 68 people in last month
  • OpenStack Object Storage (SWIFT) Data
    • 3 Active Reviews
    • 69 Active Branches – owned by 23 people & 6 teams
    • 121 commits by 13 people in last month
  • OpenStack Image Registry (GLANCE) Data
    • 6 Active Reviews
    • 27 Active Branches – owned by 9 people & 6 teams
    • 118 commits by 11 people in last month
  • Twitter Stats for Week:  #openstack 190 total tweets; OpenStack 535 total tweets  (does not include RT)
  • Bugs Stats for Week: 474 Tracked Bugs; 88 New Bugs; 43 In-process Bugs; 0 Critical Bugs; 31 High Importance Bugs; 312 Bugs (Fix Committed)
  • Blueprints Stats for Week:  209 Blueprints; 10 Essential, 16 High, 19 Medium, 26 Low, 138 Undefined
  • OpenStack Website Stats for Week:  12,621 Visits, 31,835 Pageviews, 49.30% New Visits
    • Top 5 Pages: Home 41.41%; /projects 11.63%; /projects/compute 16.86%; /projects/storage 10.74%; /community 6.29%


