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Forrester Report Brief:
OpenStack Is Now Ready For Business

Research-based Insight and Objective Advice for IT Professionals

Report shows that OpenStack is enterprise ready

OpenStack is an open source cloud platform that has become a compatibility standard for the private cloud market. Despite its headway into the Fortune 100 and long list of notable vendor supporters, coverage thus far has been limited to media articles and vendor propaganda that disproportionately inflate both the strengths and shortcomings of OpenStack.

For infrastructure and operations (I&O) professionals about to kick off their OpenStack initiatives, it’s hard to make sense of the key decisions, top challenges, and the team you need to get started. Forrester interviewed eight OpenStack end users and 10 OpenStack ecosystem vendors to discuss the best practices and common pitfalls I&O pros face when adopting OpenStack.

This report guides I&O pros along the early days of their OpenStack deployment to set them off on the right path to success in winning, serving, and retaining customers as part of the larger Business Transformation agenda. Read the full brief for free, or purchase the full report from Forrester.

Learn from the lessons of the OpenStack masters to help you succeed with the popular private cloud platform

Download The Forrester Report Brief

Notable Fortune 100 enterprises like BMW, Disney, and Walmart have irrefutably proven that OpenStack is viable for production environments.

Lauren E. Nelson, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research 1

Key Takeaways From The Report

OpenStack is ready for the enterprise that was not born digital

Easy, cheap, and self-service developer access is the dominant use case

OpenStack has its flaws, but that’s not a showstopper

Total Economic Impact of OpenStack

Read a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting

OpenStack Total Economic Impact

In the Total Economic Impact™ of OpenStack study, Forrester examines the cost, benefits and risk metrics from a large global enterprise, with $100 million in annual online sales, growing at 30%. This OpenStack user is an example of the potential return on investment (ROI) that businesses may realize.

The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of OpenStack in their organizations, specifically by leveraging open source technologies to develop and operate private, internal cloud environments.

As shown in the July 2015 study, this enterprise expects quantifiable benefits of more than $7.2 million as compared to implementation and ongoing costs of $3.6 million over 3 years, in addition to these results:


Download two reports from Forrester: "Brief: OpenStack Is Now Ready For Business?" and "The Total Economic Impact of OpenStack".

Download both Forrester Reports

1 “OpenStack is Ready - Are You?", Forrester Research, May 2015