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About Sardina Systems

Sardina Systems provides highly-demanded technical expertise and professional knowledge, proved by a large number of successful OpenStack cloud deployments. We can help enterprises quickly and easily adopt OpenStack cloud, meeting all industry requirements, legal regulations, and customer unique IT needs, to save valuable business resources – time, money, and efforts.

Sardina Systems Commitment

Commitment is proved by time

Today, many companies promote their open source credentials, often leading to confusing claims about who a true open source technology provider is.

Sardinia System's commitment to open source began in 2014 with the launching of its brainchild FishOS. Having OpenStack in the core of our product, FishOS, allows Sardina to expand their market influence with a brand portfolio growth, working with the finance organizations, healthcare projects, datacom, and telecom corporations.

Our client is our force

The OpenStack scalability and reliability of open source technology, professional support, and regularly updated, harmonizing with hardware and cloud-native tools allow Sardina to provide customer-oriented service built on trust and loyalty. Thanks to OpenStack cloud technologies and Sardinia System expertise, software companies can mitigate the global patent risk to open source software like FishOS for all the market players – developers, vendors, customers, and end-users.

Providing award-winning, world-class, intelligent, and automated virtualized systems management technology of Sardina Systems FishOS powered by OpenStack technologies isn't a reason to move forward.

However, that’s only the start.

FishOS delivers a full-lifecycle view on OpenStack deployment, allowing to its customers to benefit of Zero-downtime Cloud Operations. FishOS product is an automated, energy-optimizing, scalable and pay-as-you grow enterprise OpenStack model.

OpenStack Powered

This product is OpenStack Powered. It contains OpenStack software and has been approved by the OpenInfra Foundation. Learn more about becoming an OpenStack Powered product here.


This product uses OpenStack's Ironic Bare Metal service. Ironic allows users to manage bare metal infrastructure like they would virtual machines and provides ideal infrastructure to run container orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes to optimize performance.

Other Details

Supported Hypervisors


Supported Guests

Windows Linux Solaris

Regions where support is offered

South America
Central America
North America
Middle East
Asia Pacific


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