April 25-29, 2016

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Open Source Software Architect
Chief Cloud Architect
CEO at Cloudigo
Canonical, Software Engineer
Time Warner Cable
Time Warner Cable
APJ Cloud Consultant
Cloud Consultant
Cisco Systems
Romana Project
Kumulus Technologies
Director - SW Engineering, Juniper Networks
Staff Engineer - Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks India Pvt Ltd - Unaffliated
Associate Manager, Software Development
Red Hat Inc.
Red Hat Inc., Principal Software Engineer
Intel Corporation
Red Hat, Principal Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Principal Software Engineer, Verizon Media
Openstack Engineer
Wal Mart
Neutron Developer
Network Architect
Founder, CleanSafeCloud
Deputy CIO for Infrastructure Services & Operation
Director, Big Switch Labs
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Active Technical Contributor
Active Technical Contributor
Principal Software Engineer - CTO Office, Telco Platform
VP & GM of OpenStack Private Cloud
Principal Product Manager
Chief Architect of Cloud Computing