The Must-Attend OpenStack Event
The world runs on open infrastructure. At the OpenStack Summit, you’ll learn about the mix of open technologies building the modern infrastructure stack, including OpenStack, Kubernetes, Ceph, OpenvSwitch, OPNFV, and more. Whether you are pursuing a private, public or multi-cloud approach, the OpenStack Summit is the place to network, skill up and plan your cloud strategy.
Attendees From Around The World
November 2014: Paris, France
April 2016: Austin, Texas
Watch Video Recaps From Previous Summits
April 2016 in Austin
October 2015 in Tokyo
May 2015 in Vancouver
One Week, Two Main Events
The OpenStack Conference
Tuesday - Thursday
Classic track with speakers and sessions. The perfect place for developers, users, and administrators of OpenStack Cloud Software. This is great for those looking for the best way to get started.
The OpenStack Ops & Design Summit
Tuesday - Friday
Collaborative working sessions where OpenStack developers come together twice annually to discuss the requirements for the next software release and connect with other community members.
Summit Timeline
You can access the Barcelona Summit with one of two passes: Keynote + Marketplace Pass or The Full Access Pass.
- Access to all Breakout Sessions and Workshops, Developer & Operator working sessions, Keynote presentations, Marketplace Expo Hall, Lounges, etc.
- This pass includes lunch
Access to the Keynote presentations from industry leaders and Marketplace Expo Hall to explore sponsor booths and network
- This pass does NOT include access to any breakout sessions (including sponsored sessions and tracks) taking place Tuesday - Thursday or the developer and operator working sessions taking place Tuesday - Friday. This pass ONLY includes access to the Keynote presentations and the Marketplace Expo Hall.
- This pass includes lunch

OpenStack is clearly the winner, and the reason for that is what you see in this room today. It’s all of you, it’s all of the community that have come together around this platform; it's people like CERN and Expedia pushing upstream to this platform.

Join The Movement
In 2010, 75 people met in Austin, Texas for the very first OpenStack Summit. Six years later, over 7,800 attendees joined us as we returned to Austin.
The OpenStack summit is a unique opportunity for the developers and users of OpenStack software to meet and exchange ideas. Hundreds of the core developers will be on site to discuss all things OpenStack. Summits include in-depth technical discussions, hands-on workshops, and the full presence of almost every player in the OpenStack Ecosystem. If you are deploying OpenStack—or considering how it can help your enterprise—there’s no better way to connect with the community than the OpenStack Summit.
Get a glimpse into the wealth of speakers, topics and sessions happening at OpenStack Summit Barcelona.
Knowledge, Nightlife, & New Friends.
The Summit is about more than great sessions and speakers. Join the OpenStack community with networking events and fantastic nightlife.