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Midokura’s Network Virtualization Technology Identified as Third-Party Network Driver of Choice for Large Scale OpenStack Clouds in Production

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SAN FRANCISCO – June 1, 2016 – Midokura, the global innovator in software network virtualization, today announced that its award-winning Midokura Enterprise MidoNet (MEM) technology is the #1 third-party Neutron plugin of choice for large-scale OpenStack Clouds with more than 1,000 cores, according to the latest OpenStack User Survey. As Project Neutron has matured with 89 percent adoption rates, the ranking shows significant momentum following Midokura’s November 2014 decision to open source the core code behind its MidoNet technology.

“Our decision to open source the code behind our MEM network virtualization technology was a directional move for the company that has led to a major pay-off,” said Dan Mihai Dumitriu, co-founder and CEO of Midokura. “The result has been greater adoption of MEM as large-scale OpenStack operators enjoy a lower barrier to entry. This has been especially beneficial for organizations in regions and countries with strict data privacy guidelines, particularly those in Europe, Japan and China.”

The MEM technology offers an intelligent, software-based network abstraction layer between the hosts and the physical network, by decoupling the IaaS cloud from the network hardware. Operators in turn can build isolated networks in software that overlays the existing hardware-based network infrastructure. The latest release of MEM offers enhanced operational and management features, via MEM Insights, support for NFV use cases and improved application availability.

MidoNet, the open source version of MEM, is the industry’s first truly open vendor-agnostic network virtualization solution for the OpenStack community. Midokura continues to innovate and support the OpenStack community as among the most active contributor to the Neutron Mitaka release. Customers know they can rely on Midokura technology to deliver reduced overall network costs and improved stability, scalability and performance.

To learn more about MEM, visit: To learn more about open source MidoNet, go to:

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Supporting Quotes

“Fujitsu has been actively leveraging OpenStack in our digital business platform, MetaArc, to help meet the diverse cloud-related needs of customers as they make their transformation to digital. Working together with Midokura, we at Fujitsu are confident that bringing to bear our technologies and support will enable delivery of optimal cloud foundations for our customers.”

– Hiroaki Yamamoto, Vice President, Platform Software DIV.I Platform Software Business Unit, Fujitsu

“The success OpenStack has achieved is a result of collaborative innovation and supplying customer choice, all without vendor lock in. Midokura’s decision to open source the core code behind the MEM network virtualization technology is an example of open source leadership. Midokura is an important Ubuntu Cloud Partner and part of Canonical’s OpenStack Interoperability Lab. I applaud the OpenStack with MidoNet success and look forward to further advancement with the technology and Ubuntu OpenStack, the leading OpenStack distribution. Together, Canonical and Midokura are committed to supplying choice to our OpenStack customers and partners.”

– John Zannos, Vice President of Cloud Partner and Alliances, Canonical


MidoNet Community Site
Midokura Enterprise MidoNet (MEM) Free Trial
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About Midokura

Founded in 2010, Midokura was an early global leader in network virtualization. The company’s pedigree includes Amazon, Cisco, Google and VMware. With its Midokura Enterprise MidoNet (MEM) solution, Midokura offers the industry a complete overlay technology that integrates with cloud platforms, such as OpenStack. Now gaining awareness in 122 countries, the source code for MidoNet is freely available at MidoNet delivers the first truly open, vendor-agnostic network virtualization solution available to the OpenStack community. Midokura is a contributing member of the OpenStack Networking (Neutron) Project, Open Platform for NFV Project and the Kuryr Project.

Midokura has offices in San Francisco, Tokyo and Barcelona, and is on the web at Follow us on Twitter: @midokura.

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U.S. Media Contact

Lila Razzaqui
Kulesa Faul, Inc. for Midokura
(650) 825-5452
[email protected]