Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

About VEXXHOST, Inc.

VEXXHOST is an established hosting company specialized in providing public cloud computing services that are delivered using the OpenStack projects.  All the services are designed with performance, reliability and security as the core features.

VEXXHOST, Inc. Commitment

Our commitment to supporting the OpenStack ecosystem is by frequently contributing code to the compute project, Nova.  In addition, we are also committed to increase awareness around the OpenStack projects through educational material and talks.

VEXXHOST Consulting for OpenStack

VEXXHOST’s consulting service is designed to get your OpenStack projects up and running quickly and smoothly. We help reduce both the time and risks involved with OpenStack upgrades and component applications, as well as guidance on your strategy.

Areas of OpenStack Expertise

Application Catalog Murano
Bare Metal Provisioning Service Ironic
Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning Sahara
Block Storage Cinder
CI/CD Service Zuul
Computable object storage Storlets
Compute Service Nova
Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning Magnum
Containers Service Zun
Dashboard Horizon
Database as a Service Trove
DNS service Designate
Identity service Keystone
Image service Glance
Key management Barbican
Production-ready OpenStack containers Kolla
Messaging Service Zaqar
Metering & Data Collection Service Ceilometer
Monitoring Monasca
Networking Neutron
Object store Swift
Orchestration Heat
Shared filesystems Manila
Software Development Lifecycle Automation Solum

Services Offered

  • Cloud Strategy
  • Feature Development (adding features to OpenStack)
  • Operations
  • Proof of Concept
  • Support
  • System Integration

Configuration Management Expertise

  • Ansible
  • Puppet

Regions with local offices

  • North America

Regions where support is offered

South America
Central America
North America
Middle East
Asia Pacific


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