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Individual Speaker Profile

Prajith Kesava Prasad Back to Speakers Bureau

Date Joined: July 29, 2020
Country: India
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Registered for Upcoming Summit: No
Statement of Interest


Prajith Kesava Prasad is a full stack software development engineer and a tech enthusiast. He is always on the lookout for different  strategies he could bring into the market enabling technology  that would help community and mankind. After an year of internship around software development, Prajith has realized  that the true success of a product is collaboration trust and ownership of the software. Prajith is now working as an Associate Software Engineer at RedHat.

He is keen on delivering his ideas on different conferences , engaging with other people , discussing ideas. He is also passionate about  teaching young kids how to code and leading them to opensource.

Prajith holds an Engineering degree on computer science. He is  currently working on  ideas that revolves around distributed storage systems and blockchain

Willing to present via video conference: Yes
Willing to travel to any country: Yes
Fluent in
  • English
  • Tamil
  • Malayalam

Contact Prajith