Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Lance Albertson

Date Joined
April 29, 2015



Statement of Interest

Promote its use in the FOSS ecosystem improving their testing infrastructure.


Lance became OSL director in early 2013. He has managed all of the hosting activities that the OSL provides for more than 160 high-profile open source projects since joining the lab as lead systems administrator and architect in 2007. Lance’s involvement in the open source community began in 2003, when he became a developer and package maintainer with Gentoo Linux. Prior to joining the OSL, Lance was a UNIX Administrator for the Enterprise Server Technologies group at Kansas State University. 

  • Oregon State University - From 2007-06-18 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Nova,Openstack-ci,Deployment