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Quobyte Releases First Complete Fault-tolerant Storage Solution for OpenStack

Boston/Berlin, October 16, 2015 – Quobyte, technology leader in data center file systems, starting rolling out version 1.2 of its next-generation software storage system. Tried and tested in production, Quobyte presents the first fault-tolerant storage system that provides an all-in-one solution for an OpenStack infrastructure, hosting virtual machines, shared file systems and object storage in a single software-defined deployment.

“Google and Amazon raised the bar high. Their fault-tolerant horizontal software storage infrastructure is based on commodity hardware and yields unprecedented levels of agility, scale and operational cost savings. We’re excited to announce that Quobyte now allows its users to catch up with with these qualities and that it is available for deployments of all sizes,” said Felix Hupfeld, CTO at Quobyte.

The way data centers operate is changing: while budgets and headcount stay constant, the amount of data is rapidly rising and scalable operations and self-management become increasingly important tools to keep complexity and costs under control. This is the setting Quobyte has been designed for. As a general purpose software storage system that is built around a parallel file system core, it is able to both provide high-performance block and scalable file system storage. Its automation, monitoring and hardware management make it a great fit for data center deployments. Based on the latest distributed systems technology, Quobyte’s software storage guards data against all possible hardware failures. That’s great news for sysadmins: since the system is prepared to handle all sorts of failures automatically it is a lot easier to maintain.

With these capabilities, Quobyte offers a solid storage foundation for OpenStack deployments of all sizes. It can serve all OpenStack storage needs on the same hardware that hosts virtual machines: it supplies Cinder with high-performance block storage, can share its native tenant-aware file system volumes between virtual machines via Manila and both its console and S3 interface are integrated with Keystone. Quobyte is actively contributing to the OpenStack project and its drivers are part of the OpenStack distributions starting with the Kilo Release.

About Quobyte
Quobyte’s storage system combines latest distributed systems research with proven concepts for large-scale infrastructure. It turns servers into a horizontal storage system that can handle all workloads in a single consolidated deployment: from virtual machines over shared file storage to Big Data and HPC. It comes with all the benefits of a data center file system: resilience, scalability and self-management – in short, it greatly simplifies operations.

Quobyte was founded only two years ago with VC funding and is based in Berlin, Germany. Despite its young age, the company draws from nearly a decade of research and experience with the XtreemFS distributed file system and from working on Google’s infrastructure. Quobyte’s customers enjoy the system’s capabilities in such diverse areas as HPC, public OpenStack cloud infrastructure, and large-scale web services.