Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!
The OpenStack Foundation Legal Documents /


The OpenStack Foundation community is made up of a mixture of professionals and volunteers from all over the world, working on every aspect of the OpenStack Foundation's mission. We strongly believe diversity is our strength and want to promote an inclusive and safe environment.

To that end, we have a few ground rules for engaging in the community. The OpenStack Foundation (“Foundation”) has adopted the following code of conduct (“OSF Code of Conduct”) which applies equally to all community participants, including board members, committee members, project team leads, core contributors, mentors, user group leaders and participants, and those seeking help and guidance. Because of the laws governing employees which would supersede any contract, in some circumstances, the Foundation staff may be subject to a separate procedure.

This OSF Code of Conduct also applies to all spaces managed by the Foundation or authorized by the Foundation, including IRC channels, the mailing lists, issue trackers, Foundation sponsored events and any other forums the Foundation community uses which are managed by the Foundation (“OSF Venues”), including without limitation the Open Infrastructure Projects. In addition, violations of this OSF Code of Conduct outside of OSF Venues may affect a person's ability to participate within them after appropriate investigation. For the annual Open Infrastructure Summit, please also see the event-specific code of conduct on the Summit website with additional details for speakers, sponsors and attendees.

We do not tolerate harassment in any form. If you believe someone is violating the OSF Code of Conduct, please see our Reporting Guidelines below.

OpenStack Foundation community members strive to

We take the following very seriously, and any violations may impact your ability to participate in the OpenStack Foundation community

Reporting Guidelines

If you believe that the OSF Code of Conduct is being violated, you are being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the Foundation staff immediately via phone or email.

The Foundation staff (“Staff”) who manage these issues have the following contact information:

Jonathan Bryce, [email protected], cell # +1-210-317-2438
Allison Price[email protected], cell # +1-214-686-6821

Process to file complaint

Staff response procedure

Portions of the OSF Code of Conduct are derived from the PyCon Conference Code of Conduct, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, and the Django Project Code of Conduct.