Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


Gökhan IŞIK

Date Joined
February 17, 2016



Statement of Interest

To learn and contribute Openstack services


Gökhan IŞIK is a software developer and researcher at the scientific and technological research council of Turkey informatics and information security research center(TUBITAK BILGEM). He is working at projects of Cloud computing and Big data research laboratory(B3LAB) of TUBITAK BILGEM Information Technologies Institute . He has been interested in programming since 2010. His current focus is on development of Horizon(Openstack Dashboard Service) plugin which visualises resource usages, deploying and managing TUBITAK BILGEM B3LAB Openstack Cloud Infrastructure and helping TUBITAK BILGEM B3LAB Big Data Team about management of Openstack Sahara Big Data clusters.
Gokhan has experience in a number of software disciplines ranging from console applications, web applications, cloud computing and monitoring. He mostly used python and ruby programming languages. He is a Lİnux lover. He has interested in industries newest trends and technologies and likes learning new technologies.

  • TUBİTAK BİLGEM - From 2023-08-23 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon),Compute Service (Nova),Networking (Neutron),Block Storage (Cinder),Identity service (Keystone),Image Service (Glance),Metering & Data Collection Service (Ceilometer),Orchestration (Heat),Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning (Sahara),Application Catalog (Murano),Command-line client (OpenStack Client (CLI)),Billing and chargebacks (CloudKitty),Alarming Service (aodh)