Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


Jeremy Stanley

Date Joined
August 23, 2012



Statement of Interest

As a long-time free software author and user, I use my operational security, network engineering and systems administration superpowers to serve the OpenStack community in whatever capacity is needed.

A long-time computer hobbyist and technology generalist, Jeremy Stanley has worked as a Unix and GNU/Linux sysadmin for nearly three decades focusing on information security, Internet services, and data center automation. He’s a root administrator for the OpenDev Collaboratory, a maintainer of the Zuul project, and serves on the OpenStack vulnerability management team. Living on a small island in the Atlantic, in his spare time he writes free software, hacks on open hardware projects and embedded platforms, restores old video game systems, and enjoys articles on math theory and cosmology.
  • Open Infrastructure Foundation - From 2013-04-08 (Current)
  • *independent user - Unaffiliated - From 2013-03-29 To 2013-04-08
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise - From 2012-08-23 To 2013-03-29
  • *independent user - Unaffiliated - From 2012-08-12 To 2012-08-23

OpenStack Summit Presentations
OpenInfra Summit Vancouver 2023
  • How do we end the Extended Maintenance "experiment"?
Berlin 2022
  • Meet the Diversity and Inclusion WG
  • OpenDev (nee Infra team) feedback and missing features
Vancouver, BC Boston