May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Hands-On Workshop: Learn How to Deploy OpenStack on Kubernetes.

Hands-On Workshop: Learn how to deploy OpenStack on Kubernetes. OpenStack is awesome and so is Kubernetes. These days we see more and more integrations and support between those two great OpenSource projects. For instance, you can get a better experience with Kubernetes when you running it on top of OpenStack and can take advantage of OpenStack capabilities to provide persistent storage via Cinder or LoabBalancing via LbaaS of the Neutron. On another hand, you can get a better experience of running OpenStack on top of Kubernetes and take advantage of scaling OpenStack services and performing seamless rolling upgrades.

In this workshop you going to learn how to deploy and upgrade OpenStack on top of Kubernetes for development needs and testing, using official Kubernetes packaging tool - Helm.

Attendees simply need to come in (with their laptop). Workshop speaker/organizer will provide instructions and will be available to answer any questions.

Please note:  session attendance does have a maximum capacity.  All admittance will be on a first come, first served basis.  Thank you for your understanding.   

What can I expect to learn?

In this workshop you will learn:

  1. Overview how to deploy the application on K8s using pods, labels, deployments and services.
  2. Learn what is Helm and how to develop, use and deploy Helm Charts.
  3. Learn how to deploy State full application like Mysql and Rabbit using Helm Charts.
  4. Learn how to deploy and upgrade OpenStack services like Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova using Helm Charts.
Thursday, May 11, 11:00am-12:30pm (3:00pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Architect
Ayrat is a Cloud Native Ambassador (CNA). He currently works as a Cloud Architect and Kubernetes Practice Lead at CloudOps.  Prior to that, he worked as an OpenStack Engineer at CloudOps and as an OSS solutions integrator at Ericsson before that. Ayrat is actively involved in organizing 5 Kubernetes and Cloud Native meetups across Canada. He has contributed extensively to the... FULL PROFILE
Brandon Jozsa has worked for some large companies that include AT&T, Charter Communications, and Red Hat. He has also had the privilege to secure some of our countries most critical branches that include DOJ/JUTNET, USDA, USAF, DOI and others under the Networx contract, and he has been focused on the cloud computing security space since 2013. Brandon championed the concept that AT&T... FULL PROFILE
AT&T: Lead Member of Technical Staff
Pete leads multiple areas of the Cloud Platforms organization, including serving as Lead Engineer for the Cloud Services of Network Cloud Product and provides strategic implementation decisions to ease the Public Cloud transition. He leads the Site Reliability Engineering, Infrastructure Virtualization, and Software-Defined Storage solutions. Additionally, he is also the lead implementation... FULL PROFILE