May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Around the World in 80 Commits: Working with a Global Team and Global Community

Working with remote teams is not always easy:  different timezones, different communication styles, different cultures.  But what do you do when your immediate team is remote and you're working with a worldwide open source community?  The IBM mainframe OpenStack team is spread across three continents (NA, Asia and Europe) and has faced a fair share of challenges with integrating their team together and into the OpenStack community.  Over the past year, AT&T launched a new distributed team of Community contributors. They also initiated a new working group with globally distributed participation. They have been struggling with the challenges of working effectively as a team across a diverse geographies and cultures.  The discussion will deal with tips for tools and teamwork.  We'll also talk about what challenges we still face.  At the end there will be plenty of time for audience questions and a panel style discussion.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees should expect to learn what's worked and hasn't worked for two companies managing distributed teams across OpenStack.  They'll discover tools and techniques that have made these companies successful.  They'll also get a chance to ask questions about their own challenges.

Monday, May 8, 11:15am-11:55am (3:15pm - 3:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Tags: Community
Emily has been working on IBM mainframe virtualization for 10 years, specializing in functional test, systems management and CPU virtualization.  She contributes to the OpenStack Tempest project and writes the occasional blog on OpenStack.  She has attended summits since Kilo and given Brown Bag talks and webcasts and a summit session on IBM z/VM and OpenStack.  She's also... FULL PROFILE
Principal System Engineer
Andy is a Principal System Engineer in AT&T's Integrated Cloud organization. He led the 2016 launch of ATT's Community Contribution team of ~30 dedicated OpenStack contributors. Since then AT&T has become a top 15 contributor and he coordinates AT&T's community contribution roadmap. He was also instrumental in launching the Large Contributing OpenStack Operators (LCOO) working... FULL PROFILE
Principal Member of Technical Staff, AT&T
Matt is a cloud engineer living in Saint Louis, Missouri.  He's participated in a number of OpenStack-related efforts in the community, and integrates this work within AT&T as part of its Network Cloud platform.    He has been working in the OpenStack community for about two and a half years; first in a supervisory capacity for AT&T -- onboarding, mentoring, and... FULL PROFILE
  Bob is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM Corporation with a history of working on a variety of Systems Management projects related to IBMs hardware portfolio; iSeries, pSeries, xSeries and now zSeries. The last 10 years have brought roles that focus on virtualization projects and all aspects of the development of those projects including architecture, project management, software... FULL PROFILE