Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Speaker Details

Roger Ewert
IT area architect for Technology and Infrastructure at Folksam

Have worked for 20 years in the IT industry. Started my first years in the grocery retails (ICA) and handled their Internet solutions and then for the last 16 years in the finance and insurance industry.

Att first my focus was on networking, IT security and web platforms, then expanded with several other areas after the years that passed. The last 5 years I have worked in the role as an IT Architect to focus on the big picture with technology and infrastructure in mind so that our company can take advantage of the develompment and technological advances to offer new and exciting ways to use and deliver IT.

Working at both a strategic and tactical level as well at the operational level, I participate in the delivery of projects both in QA or design level, but also on a more technical/developer level (handeling even "bits and bytes"), I way for me to keep up and to maintain knowledge but also to develop my skills.

At ICA (Grocery retails):

- Technical IT Security administrator and manager 

- Internet network administrator

- Server administrator for Linux, Solaris and AIX

- Web platform administrator

- Java application platform administrator

- Network and WAN Network Manager

At Folksam (Finance and Insureance):

- Technical IT Security administrator and manager 

- Internet network administrator at Folksam

- Web platform administrator

- Network administrator

IT area architect for technology and infrastructure (Current role) with a extra focus on cloud services, digitization and automation
