Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Speaker Details

Raúl Gracia-Tinedo
Postdoc at Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Raúl Gracia-Tinedo received his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Security in 2011 and his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 2015 with distinction grade, both at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). During his PhD, he worked at IBM Research (Haifa) and Tel-Aviv University under the supervision of Dalit Naor and Sivan Toledo, respectively. He is currently a postdoc in the Architectures and Telematic Services research group at URV. His research interests include distributed storage management, cloud computing and performance evaluation of systems, with more than 15 papers. He received the Best Dataset Award at ACM Sigcomm IMC’15. He has actively participated in EU research projects (FP7-CloudSpaces and H2020-IOStack). Contact him at [email protected].
