Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack Interoperability Challenge: Running Unmodified Apps in Any OpenStack Cloud

To demonstrate interoperability across OpenStack-powered distributions and public clouds, multiple OpenStack vendors have come together to deploy the same popular tools and applications, including Docker Swarm and a LAMP stack app, on their services in a fun gameshow format at the OpenStack Summit. Watch this demo to learn about why interoperability and workload portability matters, and what the OpenStack community is doing to advance the cause.

Wednesday, October 26, 9:25am-9:35am (7:25am - 7:35am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
IBM, IBM Distinguished Engineer
Dr. Brad Topol is an IBM Distinguished Engineer in the IBM Cloud Architecture and Technology organization. In his current role, Brad leads a development team focused on contributing to and improving OpenStack and he has cross-IBM responsibility for coordinating its contributions to OpenStack. Brad serves as a member of the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors and is also an OpenStack core... FULL PROFILE
Open Infrastructure Foundation, Executive Director
Jonathan Bryce, who has spent his career building the cloud, is Executive Director of the OpenStack Foundation. Previously he was a founder of The Rackspace Cloud. He started his career working as a web developer for Rackspace, and during his tenure, he and co-worker Todd Morey had a vision to build a sophisticated web hosting environment where users and businesses alike could turn to design,... FULL PROFILE