Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Fault Management with OpenStack Congress and Vitrage, Based on OPNFV Doctor Framework

In telecom operation, fault management is essential to achieve high service availability. This is typically realized by a monitoring system which is specific to hardware and application as they are tightly coupled before introduction of NFV. To realize the same network service availability in NFV, we have to make sure to have the same level of monitoring functionality in a cloud type platform. The OPNFV Doctor project focuses on this requirement and has proposed missing features to the OpenStack community.

We present our implementation of a fault management framework for NFV realized by different OpenStack services and comprising various exemplary use cases of compute/network/storage resource faults. This talk also provides insights on how to adopt this framework to various types of deployment models and operational policies utilizing Congress and Vitrage. The results of multiple PoCs will be shared to show the performance of this framework in particular w.r.t immediate notification.

What can I expect to learn?
  • Technical detail regarding how to setup the fault management framework proposed by the OPNFV Doctor project.
  • New development to support network and storage fault handling
  • Results of multiple PoC demos that have been developed after the previous Summit
Wednesday, October 26, 5:05pm-5:45pm (3:05pm - 3:45pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Ryota Mibu has been working on integrating cloud technologies to telecommunication platform form 2012 in NEC. He has been contributing OpenStack projects, including Neutron, Ironic, Ceilometer and Aodh. He is the Project Lead of "Doctor" which is one of the OPNFV projects and focusing on building a framework for fault management for high availability of Network Services on top of virtualized... FULL PROFILE
Masahito Muroi is a senior software enginer in LINE. He is in charge of developing LINE's private clouds, which is developed on OpenStack and accomodates over 1,000 HV and 20,000 VMs for production use.  He is a member of core developers in OpenStack Blazar project and OpenStack Congress project. He ran Blazar PTL Ocata cycle to Rocky cycle.  He is involved in cloud technology area... FULL PROFILE
Nokia Cloudband
Ohad is a product manager in CloudBand, Nokia. In his role, Ohad is leading Analytics and monitoring for the CloudBand NFVI product and he is also responsible for open source activity in CloudBand. Ohad is driving Vitrage, an official OpenStack project, initiated by CloudBand, for root cause analysis, deduced alarms and states. FULL PROFILE