Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Hello World for Murano - End-to-End Process in a Docker Container and More

We've all faced challenges in porting applications to run on OpenStack. Murano helps by enabling cloud admins to publish a well-tested set of on-demand and self-service applications. End users can simply use the applications.

But, have you ever wanted to set up Murano to explore its features, but been frustrated with putting all the required packages and their dependencies together and configure them correctly? Have you ever tried to build your own application catalog or create your own images, only to find out you are facing a steep learning curve.

In the presentation, we will demonstrate a simple end-to-end process for getting Murano running on your dev environment or your laptop by running Murano in Docker containers. We will also demonstrate the details in case you want to dive deep into Murano including configuring murano API server and engine, building your own application images and catalog, how to upload the application catalog and deploy them using cli or UI.

What can I expect to learn?

if you are a cloud administrator who wants to stand up murano to explore its features or a developer or who want to build your own application catalogs, you should come to this session. At the end of presetation, you should have a good understanding of how to get Murano running against your existing OpenStack in a few easy steps.

Tuesday, October 25, 11:25am-12:05pm (9:25am - 10:05am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Magdy has more than 18 years of experience with enterprise software development in a wide variaty of languages such as Java, C++, C#, Python and Go. His work at EMC is focused on the design and development of cloud base applications using microservices architecture, CloudFoundry and OpenStack.  FULL PROFILE
Sr. Consultant Software Engineer
Lida He is a cloud solution architect at EMC Corporation. He has been developing OpenStack based cloud solutions including VxRack Neutrino, a hyper-converged multi-service cloud native solution, and has been helping customers to design IaaS and PaaS to support third platform applications in a wide variety of environments. He also worked on OpenStack monitoring solution for availability,... FULL PROFILE
Consultant Software Engineer, DELL|EMC
I’m a Consultant Software Engineer for Emerging Technology Division.  I have been working EMC Storage Arrays and SAN technologies for about 15 years.  During my time at EMC I have performed multiple roles: Quality Engineering, Developer, Security, QA Manager, Development Manager, and Release Manager.  My current roles cover: deployments, software and hardware testing,... FULL PROFILE