Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Build the Artificial Intelligence Cloud - Provision and Manage TensorFlow cluster with OpenStack

TensorFlow was a new open source platform for artificial intelligence by Google Brain Team. Because of its powerful features and high scalability, it gains extensive attention once open source. In the other hand, as the most widely used cloud platform, thousands of organisations host their data processing platforms on OpenStack with Sahara project. Can we bring TensorFlow together with OpenStack? 

What can I expect to learn?

In the presentation, you will get an overview of how to serve TensorFlow upon OpenStack as the deep learning plaform. We will share the experiences of how to integrate TensorFlow to OpenStack efficiently.

Wednesday, October 26, 2:15pm-2:55pm (12:15pm - 12:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Tags: Sahara Magnum UX
Principal Technologist, Architect in DellEMC. Leading Cloud Management & Orchestration, Converged Infrastructure initiatives in DellEMC CTO Office. 10+ patents related to cloud, software-defined data centers and big data. He has also authored a book titled Big Data Strategy, Technology and Application. Contribution to OpenStack include: Heat Murano (Lattice... FULL PROFILE
Technologist at EMC ARD (Advanced Research & Development), 3 year experience in Openstack and distributed storage, active Cinder contributor, former presenter at Tokyo Summit. He has been working on a series of innovations related the 3rd cloud platform and emerging storage technologies. Previously he worked for Openstack solutions in Cisco Webex, one of the largest SaaS globally. FULL PROFILE