Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Managing Clusters of Thousands of VMs Using Senlin

Efficient resource pool management is crucial to achieve high scalability and elasticity in a cloud environment. In this presentation, users from China Mobile will share their experiences on managing thousand of VMs using Senlin service. Topics like integrating Ceilometer/Gnocchi with Senlin to support auto-scaling, optimizing OpenStack services to achieve high concurrency, and deploying Senlin on multiple hosts to support service HA will be discussed.

What can I expect to learn?

We will first introduce our OpenStack environment and some typical use cases. Then we will analyze performance bottlenecks of cluster provisioning and scaling and how to solve them by optimizing OpenStack and Senlin service. Performance data and benchmark result will be given to verify our optimization. And we will also talk about service HA of Senlin applied in our system. Attendees will learn some experiences on managing large scale VM clusters and the way to probe performance issues which could happen at different layers and how to address them by optimizing the service design and configuration.

Thursday, October 27, 2:40pm-3:20pm (12:40pm - 1:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Yanyan Hu is a researcher from IBM China Research Lab. His research field is mainly about Cloud computing and virtualization. He is now contributing to several Openstack projects, including Senlin, Zun/Higgins, Heat, Ceilometer and also working on business solutions that related to private cloud. Currently, he is focusing on continuous service deployment and management cross multiple... FULL PROFILE
IBM, Research Scientist
Qiming Teng is a researcher working at the Cloud Infrastructure and Service department, IBM China Research Lab (CRL). His research interests include system software, virtualization, cloud, Java resource management, performance profiling tools. Starting from early 2013, Qiming has been researching topics related to high availability, auto-scaling of virtual machines, applications in a cloud... FULL PROFILE