Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How are you using Cinder's Volume Types?

Volume types are one of the special things that Cinder brings to the world.  They seem to work, but it also sounds like operators may be working around their functionality in some cases.  We would like to have a discussion about how people are using volume types and how we might be able to improve them in the future.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees will have an opportunity to share how they use volume types with the development team, and maybe pick up some tips and tricks concerning volume types from other operators, all with the aim to improve volume types.

Monday, November 4, 2:10pm-2:50pm (6:10am - 6:50am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Software Development Engineer
Sean is a SWDev at AWS where he works on the Botttlerocket container-OS project. He is a past member of the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors. He has served on the OpenStack Technical Committee (TC), was the Project Team Lead (PTL) for the Cinder block storage project and the Release Management team, and is currently a core reviewer in a number of OpenStack projects. FULL PROFILE