Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Getting dirty with Monitoring and Autoscaling Features for Self - Managed Kubernetes cluster

Ever wondered how easy or difficult it is to implement the two main features which bridge the gap between a self-managed cluster and an externally managed one - such as GKE  / AKS i.e. Monitoring and Autoscaling ? What if we could achieve both of these with our self-installed clusters , and get the best of both worlds ?  Get these decision making questions answered during the session where the speakers will be explaining the implementation and optimisation of Kubernetes monitoring using InfluxDb & Grafana  and CPU/GPU autoscaling in a multi cloud environment using Kubernetes cluster Autoscaler.

Note- Basic knowledge of kubernetes and cloud is expected

What can I expect to learn?

This session will enable the community to get the hold of implementing kubernetes cluster monitoring using the open source version of Influx and Grafana . Also the session enables the audience to tackle multiple autoscaling challenges in a self managed large scale kubernetes cluster with high usage of GPU's in a multi cloud environment.

Understanding these major concepts of Kubernetes under the Devops Ecosystem will help the open source community to use open source tools in production more effectively and understand different tips, tricks and pitfalls.

Tuesday, November 5, 11:40am-12:20pm (3:40am - 4:20am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Ravi is a Senior Architect with Walmart Labs Bangalore. He has rich experience working at various levels of the application stack including microservices, and infrastructure. In current portfolio, Ravi designed and manages the end-to-end infrastructure of the Machine Learning platform for walmart. Ravi has deep knowledge of the internals of container management solutions such as docker and... FULL PROFILE
Saiyam is Software Engineer of the large scale multi cloud kubernetes project, and works on Kubernetes at Walmart Labs with a focus on creating and managing the project ecosystem . Previously at HP and Oracle, Saiyam has worked on many facets of Kubernetes including scaling, multi-cloud, managed kubernetes services, k8s documentation and testing. He's worked on implementing the major managed... FULL PROFILE