Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

What is emerging workloads and how to exploit Abstractions and Operators?

Open Infrastructure is not limited to Ironic or Cyborg nor Gyan in current forms. The eco system requires building and engaging with upstream AI models and libraries through Gyan as well Abstractions & Operators to be defined over Ironic, Cyborg and beyond. Hints to scheduler is just the Intent for placement. To map and optimize given workload, the Infrastructure resources like GPU, TPU, FPGA, SmartNIC, requires Domain specific modeling, resource Pooling, Defining, Designing & Deploying the workloads and closed loop models in production systems via standard clusters to optimize per cluster as well horizontally using multiple clusters. The goal of this presentation is to provide Best Known Configuration (BKC) for Cluster/Servers/PODs for workloads using Open Infrastructure Project called "Medhavi" and optimize through placement, image, and mappings whose requirements is still work-in-progress and the concept is to support the use cases such as image, voice & handwriting recognition requirements using "Medhavi" Object API.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees will learn about Classifying workloads for AI/ML & 5G/Edge/IoT .  What are the Models that encompass domain specific Knowledge, Relations and Attributes as Abstractions that are applicable for specific use cases and associated libraries as Operators. What virtual resources and device drivers the libraries and use case need to converge with constraints and error, precision etc. They will also learn how to map Abstractions and Operators frameworks to quantify through metrics the optimizations. Examples of use of Gyan, Medhavi, Ironic, Cyborg and related upstream resources.

Wednesday, November 6, 3:15pm-3:25pm (7:15am - 7:25am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Sr Mobile Cloud Architect
Prakash has 35+ years of Telco/ICT experience with MSEE from IIT Bombay. He is a current Board of Director for Openstack 2019/2018 (Foucucs on Airship/Medhavi/India OSUG), Sr member IEEE (CS/ComSoc,VTA),IEEE SCW SC Vice Chair 2018, NFIC-2018 Chair, and has been a veteran consultant on NFV/CNTT, MANO, VIM, Virtualization, Conatainerization, Microservices, 5G Core/Edge/Access, Network... FULL PROFILE
Intellysys ASP
Prof Gokhale has been involved in Microprocessor based Design and Automation in Embedded/IoT space for last 3 decades. With MS in CS for IIT Bombay in 81, and BE (Electronics & Communication) from Osmania university in 78, has been Tutoring  the Trainers on variety of subjetcs from Data Strucrure & algoritms to Neural Networks. His expertise in Machine Learning and... FULL PROFILE
Networking Technologist at Intel
Sujata Tibrewala is an Intel community development manager and technology evangelist who defines programs and training events to ensure that the network developer ecosystem works together toward a common goal: to drive SDN/NFV adoption in the industry using open source ingredients such as DPDK, FD.io, Tungsten Fabric, Open VSwitch, Open Stack, ONAP, and more. Intel Network Developer Evangelism... FULL PROFILE
Calsoft Inc, Senior Technical Lead
Digambar has more than 10 years of experience in IT industry. He is currently working as a Senior Technical Lead at Calsoft Inc and has been leading Cloud, OpenStack, Container technologies, microservices and Edge at Calsoft. He has extensively worked on Nova schedular, Neutron plugin development, Magnum and currently contributing to Ironic and also a core reviewer of K8s CAPM3, HCC... FULL PROFILE