May 8-11, 2017

Speaker Details

Jaewoo Park
Specialist Applications Developer

I'm a 20 something developer with a fullstack application development background. I first started gathering interest in OpenStack when I was working on a cloud application that interacted with the OpenStack infrastructure at AT&T, and only came across my first opportunity to work on came when the application I was working on came to a maturity. I saw an opportunity to help with OpenStack upstream development, and struggled at first. I first started the effort by wrestling Devstack, then proceeded to crawl around the API WSGI layer with pdb to teach myself OpenStack. I am currently helping with the effort to upstream Role-Based Access Control testing in a plugin to Tempest called Patrole.

I believe the OpenStack contributor community can garner a very giant pool of potential contributors from developers traditionally with a web development background, and am working currently to get more people involved.
