May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

VPP on OpenDataPlane Enabled SmartNICs

This presentation details the benefits of using VPP on ARM based SmartNICs through OpenDataPlane. To illustrate those, IPsec termination in the context of VPNaaS deployment will be presented. It will also highlight elements of SmartNICs' future vision:

- direct-virtio: Traditionally, software adapts to hardware through device drivers.

- odp-net: building on virtio-net concepts, virtual machines should be able to leverage full scale offloads from SmartNICs through a single device driver.

- odpCL: integration with LLVM and OpenCL technologies will simplify building and debugging very large core count, distributed, multimodal applications (VM+SmartNIC, VM+SmartNIC/FPGA...).

Wednesday, May 10, 11:00am-11:40am (3:00pm - 3:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Director Linaro Networking Group
François-Frédéric is an entrepreneur with 30 years of experience in technical, sales and marketing positions. Prior to joining Linaro, Francois-Frederic was VP Business Development at 6WIND where he has been instrumental in creating success for SDN and NFV offerings. Prior to that, he has been CTO and co-founder of Vedicis where he led architecture and development teams,... FULL PROFILE