May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Feedback from Users for I18n & Translation - Important Part?

As seen in [1], some translation parts such as log translations are not too much interested by users and operators.

I18n team would like to listen to the feedback from users and operators - which part of translation is important for you, for example, Dashboard? Documentation? OpenStack homepage? User survey? or what else?

I18n team thinks that it would be much nice if the translation goals and priorities are aligned with OpenStack community. Moreover, more translated results in OpenStack makes OpenStack have more user friendly and increase user experience. But, there might be different perspective and opinions from developers, users, operators, and translators (for example, [2] for developers and [3] for translators as priority & plan). To more align with community members, let's listen to and discuss more stories, use-cases, and new attractive translation targets from all community members including users and operators about OpenStack I18n and translation.

Moderator: Ian Y. Choi


Tuesday, May 9, 11:15am-11:55am (3:15pm - 3:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Ian Y. Choi has a background in Computer Science and has made contributions to OpenStack in the areas of I18n, Documentation, and related aspects as an individual volunteer for years. He served I18n PTL during the Ocata, Pike, and Train cycles, and following a governance change, has taken a leading role in I18n SIG. Additionally, he actively organized and coordinated as OpenStack Korea user... FULL PROFILE