May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Get Me a Network: From Boot to Woot!

The OpenStack Networking API has a very fine-grained control over the networking resources made available to cloud users. While this is considered a strength for some use cases, it may also be a source of frustration for users when their primary use case is to get compute-centric workloads up and running quickly.

This presentation will introduce a networking feature also known as 'get-me-a-network'. This feature is designed to automate the basic networking provisioning for OpenStack workloads: rather than letting cloud users handle networking setup steps themselves, nova and neutron coordinate the provisioning of networking resources during the VM boot process, thus making the networking setup transparent.

The presentation will cover which use cases fit for this feature, the community effort behind the design, the development, and the integration of the feature, as well how to further improve it, and build on it to deliver a great user experience. 

What can I expect to learn?

The new user experience to provide VMs with networking connectivity. The community process to successfully deliver such a feature.

Tuesday, May 9, 12:10pm-12:45pm (4:10pm - 4:45pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Distinguished Engineer
Armando Migliaccio has been the PTL for the Mitaka, Newton and Ocata releases of the OpenStack Neutron Project. He has been involved in the OpenStack community since its early days, and has dealt with a number of OpenStack projects, and solutions in various capacities. Most recently he has been working in various open source projects, like OpenDaylight and Open vSwitch to help... FULL PROFILE
Principal Architect - OpenStack
Matt Riedemann works for Huawei in the cloud unit. He has been involved with OpenStack since the Grizzly release primarily doing upstream development. He was the Nova PTL for the Newton, Ocata, Pike and Queens releases and was the first stable branch maintenance team PTL. He continues to be active on the Nova and stable maintenance core teams. He can be found on freenode IRC as mriedem. FULL PROFILE