Upstream Contribution: Give Up or Double Down?
Ever since I’ve been involved with OpenStack people have been complaining that upstream is hard. The number one complaint is that it takes forever to get your patches merged. I thought I’d take a look at some data and attempt to visualize it. Could we learn anything? Perhaps banging our heads against some graphs could allow us to answer questions such as:
- How long does it take to merge patches in a given project over time? Looking back, did governance changes affect anything?
- Is there a correlation between the size of a patch and the length of time it takes to merge it? (Spoiler: The answer is… Kind of)
- Looking at an author: Does the time to merge patches trend down over time?
- Looking at the average length of time it takes to merge patches per author, how does it look like when we graph it as a function of the author’s number of patches? Reviews? Emails? Bug reports? Blueprints implemented? Do people that have authored more work get it merged quicker than the rest of us?
Wednesday, May 10, 3:30pm-4:10pm (7:30pm - 8:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Engineering Manager
Assaf is managing the OpenStack Network engineering team at Red Hat. Formerly Neutron core team member, driver and responsible for the project’s testing. Assaf works out of Brooklyn, New York.
Formally and formerly Cisco certified CCNA, CCNP instructor at the Israeli Institute of Technology and Communications.
Graduated with a BA in Computer Science on a Business Entrepreneurship... FULL PROFILE