May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack in Motion: Live Migration

Live migration is a feature that many companies moving their applications into OpenStack clouds are requesting. Persuading enterprise customers to embrace OpenStack as their IaaS solution requires highly available VMs for their workloads. OpenStack developers insist that live migration is continuing to evolve with additional components being added and in turn, becoming more dependable. We, the Operations team inside the OpenStack Innovation Center, embraced the opportunity to test and demonstrate the high availability of virtual machines during live migration and provide feedback to the OpenStack community on areas that have opportunity to make further strides. Come join us in this session to see how we benchmarked live migration, our discoveries, projected next steps, and the ideal setup for your cloud to have an exceedingly available environment.

What can I expect to learn?

a demo on how to use the live migrator tool.

Live migration status in OpenStack and best setup for a reliable live migration experience.

Thursday, May 11, 1:30pm-2:10pm (5:30pm - 6:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
StackHPC, Principal Engineer
John is a Principal Engineer working on the convergence of OpenStack and HPC with StackHPC. John has been involved with OpenStack since December 2010, and is currently a Nova core reviewer. Between April 2016 and April 2018 he served as a member of the OpenStack Technical committee. He was Nova PTL for the Liberty and Mitaka releases. After studying Computer Science at the University of... FULL PROFILE
Cloud Software Engineer
Nish Patwa is a Cloud Engineer, Developer and DevOps Specialist. Working as a Cloud Software Engineer at Intel, he is responsible for deploying and contributing to the OpenStack cloud ensuring high availability, scalability and reliability. FULL PROFILE