May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

State and Future of the Chargeback Using the OpenStack's Integrated Solution: Cloudkitty

Cloudkitty is the rating and chargeback component of OpenStack. Since it has entered the Big Tent a few cycles ago it is a good time do do a full review of it current state and future.

In this talk we will introduce :

  • A global description of Cloudkitty's architecture and capabilities
  • Introduction to built-in plugins (collectors, rating, storage)
  • Demonstration of Horizon integration and configuration scenario
  • Description of future changes and features for the Pike cycle

CloudKitty is getting integrated by more and more OpenStack clouds around the world so why not yours?

What can I expect to learn?

In this talk attendees will learn :

  • what is chargeback and what is Cloudkitty, the component that deals with it in OpenStack
  • A global description of Cloudkitty's architecture and capabilities
  • Introduction to built-in plugins (collectors, rating, storage)
  • Demonstration of Horizon integration and configuration scenario
  • Description of future changes and features for the Pike cycle
Thursday, May 11, 3:10pm-3:50pm (7:10pm - 7:50pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Objectif Libre
My Name is Christophe Sauthier, a french guy living in the nice city of Toulouse. Living with my wife and father of 2 beautiful small guys (of course), I am also CEO of a company that I have funded 7 years ago Objectif Libre that only deals with Cloud Infrastructure. I am cloudkitty's PTL for Ocata and Pike cycles. I have been really involved in the Ubuntu community, being a developper... FULL PROFILE
Cloud consultant
Maxime joined Objectif Libre in August, 2016. Curious and multi-tasks, he acquired strong skills in development and deployment of HPC and BigData architectures at Sogeti High Tech and iTrust. He particulary worked on Open Source technologies such as Docker, Apache Spark or ELK. FULL PROFILE