May 8-11, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Cinder Stands Alone

Cinder is a powerful Software Defined Storage (SDS) service that is an integral part of OpenStack.  The real power from Cinder comes from its abstraction API that allows many storage solutions to work from the same API.  Cinder's API works with both open source and commercial storage solutions, and Cinder has over 70 drivers to support a variety of back end storage . With Cinder as a Software Defined Storage solution a user can perform basic volume operations like create, attach, and snapshot, without knowing the details of the backend storage array.
Did you know you can use Cinder as a standalone service, without any other OpenStack services running?  In this presentation we will cover how to deploy Cinder without the other OpenStack services and how you can create volumes and use them. Consumers can use Stand Alone Cinder for performing basic volume operations on Virtual Machines, Containers with a workflow using Docker or Kubernetes, or Bare Metal machines.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendess will learn:

  • How to setup Cinder to stand alone, with no other OpenStack services running.
  • How to configure standalone Cinder SDS for various storage backends.
  • How to use Cinder to create, attach, and snapshot volumes.
Monday, May 8, 4:40pm-5:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Senior Software Engineer
Scott DAngelo is a Senior Software engineer at IBM who works as a developer on the Open Cloud Innovation Team. He is a member of the Cinder core team and works on the core Cinder code, Cinder testing, Cinder API, and Cinder-Nova API interactions. Scott has experience as a public cloud operator and OpenStack distribution maintainer. He currently acts as Cinder's liason to Nova, Cinder's liason... FULL PROFILE
Ivan is a Senior Software Engineer with Mirantis. He is Horizon PTL and core member of the Cinder project. He works with OpenStack since Diablo release. FULL PROFILE