April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Philip Sweany
Red Hat, Inc
Phil is a Red Hat Certified Instructor, RHCA and Cloud Evangelist at Red Hat, teaching and consulting on topics within their Expertise Curriculum, including OpenStack, OpenShift, Atomic Server, Containers, Satellite Server, High Availability Cluster, and CloudForms.  Prior to joining Red Hat in 2010, Phil was a Certified Senior Instructor with Sun Microsystems and SunSoft for almost 20 years, including being a principal international seminar presenter for the introduction of Java.

Phil has a MS in Technology Management (Homeland Security) from the University of Maryland, which supports his interest in building secure, large-scale OpenStack international cloud infrastructure.  He loves to travel; having taught, worked or lived in some 25 countries.  In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, bike marathons and motorcycles.