April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Steve Quenette
Deputy Director - Monash eResearch Centre

Steve Quenette is the Deputy Director of the Monash eResearch Centre, at Monash University. He was recruited to provide vision and operational know-how for business-led digital innovation. The Monash eResearch programme now systemically underpins the University's digitally fuelled research. He has attracted funding for substantive national digital transformation projects. These projects deploy technology, capability and in many cases drive systemic process and culture change across the University and Australia. He also leads initiatives to centralise cloud and data lifecycle for research. He has an established reputation for empowering the design and access of infrastructure and platforms to users, whilst ensuring security, cost effectiveness and impact are appropriately governed and balanced. He is globally connected with demonstrated leadership positions within research communities, multi-national technology companies and open-source initiatives.
