Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Speaker Details

Takashi Yamamoto

Neutron core reviewer, working at Midokura.

Core reviewer of various Neutron related projects, including networking-midonet, tap-as-a-service, neutron-vpnaas. He is also a member of Neutron Drivers team.

He is also a committer of Open vSwitch project.

Previously, Yamamoto was cloud infrastructure expert at VA Linux Systems Japan, where he was responsible for developing the OFAgent, a Neutron-core plugin that leverages Ryu, the open source component-based SDN framework for implementation. He is a renowned Linux kernel, virtualization and distributed computing expert, who for the past decade has worked on various highly successful open source software projects, and is an ex-member of the NetBSD Core group providing technical management and direction for the NetBSD project.
