Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Open Stack and NVMe-over-Fabrics - Network connected SSDs with local performance

NVMe-over-Fabrics (NVMe-oF) enables low latency access over RDMA to remote NVMe-attached storage. This makes it a key enabler for disaggregated storage and NVMe pooling in data centers ā€“ architectures that drive increased efficiency. Intel, Mellanox and Mirantis joined forces to enable NVMe-oF in Openstack Cinder and Nova. Come join us to hear about the basics of NVMe-oF and its upcoming implementation in Rocky, with kernel LVM and SPDK LVOL based SDS backends.

Tuesday, May 22, 10:15am-10:55am (5:15pm - 5:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Tushar is a Principal Engineer - Software Architect with Intel's Data Center Group.  He has been working on the open-source networking and storage-related technologies for over a decade now – his recent contributions have been to Ceph, OpenStack Swift, Intel’s Storage Performance Dev Kit (SPDK) and networking in the Linux kernel. Prior to joining Intel, Tushar was a lead... FULL PROFILE
Moshe Levi acts as a Cloud Solutions Engineer at Mellanox Technologies. Leading the Mellanox integration with OpenStack, in which puts contribution to OpenStack projects, including Neutron and Nova, at the field of Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) and Openstack high performance features deployments. Before his current position at the Cloud solutions team, Mr. Levi worked at Mellanox SW... FULL PROFILE
Ivan is a Senior Software Engineer with Mirantis. He is Horizon PTL and core member of the Cinder project. He works with OpenStack since Diablo release. FULL PROFILE