Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Aptomi - application delivery engine for Kubernetes
Aptomi ( is an open-source project that simplifies roll-out and operation of container-based applications on Kubernetes. It introduces a service-centric abstraction, allowing dev teams to compose applications from multiple components connected together (components can be packaged via Helm, k8s YAMLs, ksonnet, or defined in any other Kubernetes-friendly way)
Once service is defined, you can run it across multiple envs (dev, stage, prod), k8s clusters, as well as control its lifecycle and updates. Service owners can very efficiently manage multiple instances of their service, without having to deal with multiple copies of YAMLs and lower-level component configuration.
Aptomi also provides provides visibility for application owners, allowing to visualize dependencies and impact of changes. When you have hundreds and thousands of containers running on k8s, it may be difficult to understand which applications they belong to, who owns them, why they were created, what is no longer in use, and the impact of changes. Aptomi solves that problem with its UI for contextualized visibility.
Wednesday, May 23, 11:50am-12:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Tags: Kubernetes
Co-Founder of Aptomi and former VP Engineering at Mirantis
Roman Alekseenkov is co-founder of Aptomi and former VP Engineering at Mirantis, with extensive experience in OpenStack and Kubernetes. Before cloud infrastructure, he's been helping build various products for Mirantis' customers - from networking to social media analytics. ACM ICPC, TopCoder and Google Code Jam finalist. MS in Applied Math & Computer... FULL PROFILE