Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Possible edge architectures for Keystone

edge-computing-group and FEMDC-SIG are working on the requirement collection of different OpenStack components in an edge cloud infrastructure. One high level target is to synchronise the infrastructure user and project specific information among the different edge cloud instances. Let's discuss the different possibilities.

Collection of features and requirements:

Place for random notes even before the session:

Tuesday, May 22, 11:00am-11:40am (6:00pm - 6:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Senior Open Source Specialist
Working in the telecom industry in the last one and half decade It was possible for me to see the evolution from vendor specific hardware to virtualisation and cloud and a bit beyond. Currently Gergely is part of a team of Nokia CTO which is reponsible for open source and standardisation. In the last year Gergely's was working in the OSF Edge Computing Group on the analyzis of edge use cases... FULL PROFILE